Pea brain bitch

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"It's okay I'm here"

I was sitting on the slytherin side of the charms classroom next to draco and daphne, we where practicing a levitation spell

"Wangardim levioserrrr" draco dragged out the r and started to hit the feather with his wand frustrated and gave up
I giggled at the sight
"Draco stop abusing the poor feather and it's not levioserr is leviosa, here" I held his hand with his wand and moved his hand
"Wingardim leviosa" he repeated and his feather flew up
"YOU DID IT" I praised him and we both smiled at each other then noticing I was still holding his hand
"S- sorry" I blushed removing my hand in lighting speed
"It's all good you helped me after all"
I felt my cheeks heat up and looked down, I looked up and saw Harry and Ron glaring at draco

I was walking to dinner and I saw Harry with his friends I wanted to surprise him buy jumping on his back like I always did
"Did you see her? It's not levioser it's leviosa here and she grabs his hand, she's so desperate" one boy said, I expected Harry to say something back but he just laughed with Ron
"And not to mention did you see her hair today, eghhh horrific" another said
" oh yea she calls those days bad hair days but we all know she didn't bother doing her hair, sometimes she's so lazy it's unbelievable" Harry said
I was having a bad hair day I cried this whole morning because I couldn't fix my hair daphne helped but still didn't look like my natural wavy silky hair I cried for hours and Harry know I always cry when I have bad hair days, the fact he said that and didn't have my back hurt,I felt my eyes tear up, I pushed passed them sniffling, I heard a quite ' you think she heard us' and 'I messed up' , I ran to the bathroom and cried

Dracos pov

It was dinner time and I didn't see y/n, green grass came up to me and I thought I'd ask her
"Have you seen y/n?" We both questioned at the same time, we both looked at the griffindoor table and went up before we reached the table we heard
"Have you heard y/n potter has been crying in the bathroom for hours she won't talk to anyone" we both looked at each other and went to the bathroom hearing small whimpers and sniffles

"Y/n? Are you okay? You know you can talk to us" symphothy in my voice
"She's been crying for hours in the morning because she was having a bad hair day" green grass whispered so only I could hear


I opened. The door whipping my tears
"Hey g-guys what's up?"
"What happened?" Draco asked looking at my red swollen eyes
I looked at him remembering everything and my eyes started to tear up again and in no time I was crying, he opened his arms and I almost flew in his arms, I started to feel my knees get weak and I think he felt them to because fell to the ground on his knees holding me
"Y/n what happened I'm sure whatever happened me and draco can help you, and hey if anyone made fun of you you've got crabbe and goyle!" Daphne tried cheering me up but it just made it worse

(Third person POV
Draco looked at daphne with a worried look(back to ur POV))

"I'll leave you two" daphne said breaking the silence and left
"It's okay I'm here. Whenever your ready I'd be here to talk to you" Draco running his hand threw my hair
I took a few breaths
"Y-you know how I helped you in charms class?"
" I was walking behind Harry and his f-friends I wanted to jump on his back and surprise him like I always do but one guys s-started to talk making fun of me on how I helped you and Harry didn't even care he just laughed an-and another was making fun of my h-hair, o-out of no where Harry made fun of me on how I call them bad hairndays but I'm just lazy and can't be bothered doing my own hair" I explained

"Shh it's okay he doesn't deserve you if he's going to talk bad about you" he stopped brushing my hair and used his finger to lift my face to face him and he whippes my tears " if it makes you feel better I didn't even notice your hair was "bad" " he said with quotation marks

I chucked lightly " thank you Draco and I hugged him

Out of no where we heard a bang, a troll came out with a huge stick thing in his hand, Draco and me got up and he pulled me behind him so he was standing in front of me, both moving back till I hit the wall

"Y/N MOVE!!! YOU TOO MALFOY" Harry screamed so me and Draco moved under the sink as the troll hit the cubicles and sinks
Both Ron and Harry looked at each other and then Draco went informer of the troll that was about to hit him
"Wingardim leviosa" Draco said with a swish and a flick with his wand and the club got lifted and Lifted and fell hitting the trolls head making him fall unconscious

"DRACO you BLOODY idiot" I ran and hugged him
professor mcgonagall, snape and professor quiellril

"Oh! Oh, my goodness! E-Explain yourselves, the 4 of you!" Professor mongonagall exclaims
"Well what it is-" Ron,Draco and Harry started all at once but I spoke cutting them off
"Basically professor i was having a bad hair day and I didn't feel so well so I started crying in the bathroom skipping dinner and Draco and daphne came and checked up on me, daphne left so it was just me and Draco, we were unaware of the troll, hadn't Ron and Harry come to warn us we'd be dead but also thanks to Draco for making the trolls club levitate with the levitation spell we all would be dead"

"W-well we can see this isn't any of your faults..5 points will be awarded to griffindoor for each" professor mcgonagall says then looks at professor snape
"5 points will be added to slytherin for help others Mr malfoy and another 5 for paying attention to charms class" snape nodded to Draco with a smile,it was almost not even visible, Ron,Draco and Harry beamed
"Perhaps you ought to go...M-might wake up...heh." Professor quirell says as the teachers leave
"Let's go Draco" I gave him my hand and he intertwined his fingers with mind
"Uh y/-n?" Harry stutters
"Yes Harry"I tilted my head
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude or make fun of you, I mean you are my sister after all,also you wouldn't be in the position if I didn't say what I said or stopped any of my friends for saying what they said, I hope you'll forgive me" he looked desperately in my eyes
"Of course I'll forgive you Harry" I smiled with out hesitation and ran and hugged him which he returned tightly, then me and Draco went to our dorms said goodnight and slept

1259 wordsss
Sorry my dumbass didn't publish it I just saved it instead of publishing it
And I'll try and upload more since next week is the last week of school so I have to spend school holidays in my house cuz of lock down (yes babes I live in Sydney Australia hey bitches from syd!!!)

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