Chapter eight

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"Let's stop here. I know someone that'll help us..." Verona knocked on the door.

It was midnight and were butt naked only having the towels that we stole to cover ourselves.

"Who is it?" The man asked looking through the pep hole.

"It's...Rony." She looked back at us in certainty.

The door opened. We walked in and he turned on the lights to see us.

"It's been a long time! You said that if I ever needed a favor that you were willing to help me." He flicked his tongue looking at Verona.

"What kind of trouble are you in?" I looked at the pictures on the wall. There weren't any family portraits but instead abstract drawings.

"'s a long story." We followed him and took a seat at the kitchen table.

"We have all day. I'm willing to hear you out and determine if I can help." She nodded her head.

"I'll put it succinctly so we can think of a plan. Our pack, Celestria Eclipse...was attacked by Aurora Moon pack. They killed our alpha long with the warriors at the front, some of them being Niovi's sister. They kidnapped Constantine with Niovi and kept them there. I went with them when they came back to look at our home. We ran away, and I was hoping you'd help us." He placed his arms on the table.

"I will." He said. "Do any of you know who your mates are?" He asked us.

I froze, my eyes avoided his eye contact.

"No sir." Constantine leaned against the doorway.

"Nope." They waited for my response.

"I know..." I nodded my head, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"I would rather say that privately." He nodded

Verona looked at me then turned back to him. "Don't mind her, Sage." She motioned, "We all know who her mate is but I truly believe that she would not forsake us for him..."

"Is he the alpha of that pack?" I sighed and looked down.

"I...umm. Rejected him. And that gave us some time to run away." Verona looked at me with pity. Constantine didn't give me any sign that he was okay with what I'd said.

"Hmm...there's no real effective way of breaking the mate bond. But that will weaken it. You will need to start your life over. You are no longer the people you were. To protect the people left over from the attack, you will not be able to go back. We will create new names for you." I covered my mouth and sneezed.

"Sorry..." I muttered.

"Follow me!" He waved for us to go further down and enter a room. When we did we were not a bit surprised.

"Still reading lame books. I see!" Verona said out of spite.

"You should give it a try." He showed us a book filled with names. "Pick any. You could even shorten your first name and change your last."

"I want Vera." Constantine bit his lips. "I know you can't wait to change your name." I shrieked.

"Whatever Vera! Valdemar. I can take any last name." Next, it was my turn.

"I guess...Feyre. Feyre Petrova." Constantine looked at me smiling.

"Were you always planning to change your name?" I shook my head and grinned.

"Well, since we got the first names out of the way. Verona your last name will be Nystron and Constantine your last name will be Cyprus."

We all nodded.

"Vera Nystron, Valdemar Cyprus, and Feyre Petrova. Sounds good. I'll give this to someone that will take care of creating a whole new identity for you. You guys may rest here till the morning." He walked out and we stayed there.

Letting everything seek in.

"I can't believe we're going through with this." I tapped my foot on the ground.

Constantine crossed his arm, yawning in the corner. He looked miserable, tired, and upset with me. I did everything they wanted and they still weren't happy?

"I'll stay up with Sage. You guys rest up." Verona touched our shoulders and walked out.

"Are you upset with me?" I asked him. I watched as he gritted his teeth.

"No." He walked out of the room storming upstairs. I ran after him and entered the guest room.

"I know when you're upset, Constantine! You can't hide your emotions from me. Is it because of Emrys?" I watched him take a seat on the bed, the towel still wrapped around him.

"Why would it be about Emrys? Why would you think that?" I raised my eyebrows and sat next to him.

"We've been friends since we were young during that time we have grown together. I've had a crush on you for the longest time! Finding out you weren't my mate was a bit of a bummer." I admitted to him, keeping my eyes fixated on him.

Hugging me, "I guess we both had feelings for each other that we didn't admit." We pulled away and looked at the wall together.

"I don't know what the future holds but I do that my love for you will only grow, Niovi." He placed his hand on top of mine.

I smiled with a slight caution to proceed, "I think about more than love. If you were to find your mate would you reject her too?" I leaned on him not wanting a beat around the bush answer but rather the truth.

"I...umm. Don't know." With honesty it held but it still broke pieces of my soul knowing that if she were to ever walk into his life she'd steal him from me, without a doubt.

"Noted." I got up and went through the guest closet looking through the outfits. I grabbed a regular shirt and sweatpants. I turned to look at him. "We will need to go buy clothes. I cannot handle being unable to wear underwear, that fit me." I looked at the boxers and held them up.

"I'll go tell Verona." He got up and left. I went into the restroom and changed. I pulled the sweatpants strings as tight as they could go making them manageable. I looked outside the window and stared at the stars that sprinkled over me.

Bittersweet isn't it? If bonds are not breakable that means I won't be able to love anyone, not even Constantine. Our futures have already been set. I'm afraid running away from it won't do anything for me. It was foolish of me to think there wouldn't be any regulations. He isn't mine and vice versa, it was just purely out of an astonishing crush that would be nothing more than that.

I unlocked the door and went downstairs. "Hey, are you ready?" She asked me.

I nodded my head.

"Okay, let's pick clothes at a 24/7 store!" She excitedly said, grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the car where Sage sat in.

After Shopping

I felt much better as I wore clothing that fit me. I haven't talked to my wolf ever since earlier, and I dread the day she makes me.

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