Chapter ten

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"After two days we're finally here.." I looked up at the house that was right near the beach.

We had many stops before here.

We went to gas stations

"No. You know I'm allergic to those chips." Luca laughed at Eris and shook his head.

"You're not allergic to it." She rolled her eyes and walked away from him.

He placed the chips away and gave a slight smile at me. "She can be difficult sometimes." He chuckled and walked to the front.

Too many gas stations for my liking. But it has been worth it if I can have a little peaceful time here.

"All this time. I knew this is where I have always belonged." Eris looked over at the beach with an 'awe' look.

"It is mind-blowing!" Luca helped Kaz take out the luggage in the trunk. I stood near the car fidgeting with my fingers.

'Do you think that this human being will be safe?' I rolled my eyes.

'How do you always seem to do this? I thought I blocked you!' She sighed, walking towards me.

'Does it matter? Once our mate finds us...they won't be safe. And you know that.' I shook my head.

'That's detrimental. Let's hope not.' I ran my hand through my hair and helped carry the snacks in the grocery bags.

Eris opened the door and threw her backpack on the ground, opening her arms to smell the breeze coming through the house. I put the grocery bags on the sofa.

"I can't wait!" She squealed and looked over at me. She had her hands in her shorts' front pockets. "Come on. I'll show you something." She grabbed her luggage and entered a random room.

"Let's see which one of these swimsuits fit you." She held up swimsuits that still had their tags. "I noticed you chose to not bring clothes. And I didn't want to butt in so I kept quiet. Losing parents must be hard. It's like starting over, without anything." I nodded my head, avoiding eye contact.

"I kind of lost everything I owned. And left it behind. There was nothing left in the town I was before." She cracked a smile and handed me a swimsuit.

"This one will fit you. I didn't know your size was medium. Good thing I came prepared." Clapping her hands and shooing me further into the room. "I'll see you in a bit." She closed the door.

I looked down at the swimsuit. I tried it on and looked in the mirror. It was a bright neon yellow two-piece. I walked out, seeing Eris nodding her head smiling.

"I told you, boys! She was going to do it." She placed a hand on my shoulder and waited till the boys showed themselves. "They take forever..." She glanced and licked her teeth once she saw Luca walkout.

There was a riveting fascination between Eris and Luca. It was cute in a way that their disagreement and constant arguing was just a blinding effect to reflect off of their attraction towards one another.

"Yellow is your color." Kaz stood in front of me with only his black trunks.

"Thank you!" I looked over at Eris who waited for us to join them outside.

"Right..." He reached for my hand. I hesitated before letting him lock our hands.

"Let's have fun people." Eris pointed a finger at me and I looked shocked.

"Am I not fun?" I asked them.

"She's just joking. Mind her diligence humor." Kaz walked beside me entering the beach. I swigged our hangs back and forth.

"What's a secret that you can't tell anyone?" I turned to him.

A hint of an idea flashed his eyes. "If I told you would it be a secret?" I grinned and bit my lip.

"You're correct." A simple human wouldn't understand it, no one would. A part of me doesn't even know how to fully handle it.

"You radiate regret why?" He questioned me.

"Not regret. Perhaps sadness is the right term." He laughed, taking a seat on the sand. I sat next to him and watched the ocean waves and thrusting sounds.

"I haven't met many people who have sharp canines like you, Eris, and Luca," I admitted.

He raised an eyebrow. "Strange isn't it? A lot of people don't know they're for many things." I turned to look at him and noticed him staring at my neck.

"Yeah, like chewing meat and rough stuff." I looked down, guilt overwhelmed me. Could I endanger him? Was it right?

"Bloodsucking truth." He laughed and looked me in the eye. "What's one thing you don't want a part of?" Something was coming over me. It was probably nothing but I couldn't help but tell the truth.

"I don't want anything to do with supernatural stuff..." He tilted his head, leaning closer to my ear.

"What kind of supernatural stuff?" It happened again.

"Were....werewolves."He lifted his chin.

"I always knew they existed. What happened to you that made you leave?" He asked me.

I looked down and drew in the sand. "Seeing everyone I loved to get killed."

"I'm sorry that happened! I knew there was something off about you. It looked like you were running from something...or someone." I played with my hair without looking up at him once. "I guess you'll be safe here."

"Why do you care?" I exhaled.

"I know about the supernatural realm. Darling, I'm practicing what you read about in twilight." I raised my eyebrows.

"You're a werewolf?" He shook his head, smirking.

"Not a werewolf...but a child of Dracula." I froze. I haven't ever heard of them being real but seeing as I am I shouldn't have been so naive to think they didn't exist...

"First time meeting each other, and we happen to be supernatural beings. Almost fate." He added.

My jaw dropped. "Yeah, you're right." I couldn't help but find him alluring. There was something about him that I have never felt before. Is it what I never had seen before in Emrys?

While he looked at Luca and Eris diving into the water I stared at him. Perhaps I was right! And I stayed sitting on the sand thinking of what she said. 'Do you think this human being will be safe?' He isn't a normal human being but does that execute my uncertainty of what will happen in the future? No.

If I had a choice to live my life with only four years of reveling in love or continue my unhappiness and mistreatment by my mate...I would rather live my four years with people that care about me. Even if the time that I have is indubitable ruining out.

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