Chapter 2

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Draco was waiting in their living room, when the bell rang, while the kids were decorating their anniversary cake with the help of Teddy. Suddenly the bell rang and Draco felt his heart leapt in excitement thinking that Harry was home. He opened the door, expecting to see Harry, but was surprised to see most of his family members and friends. His parents, the weaselys and their partners and kids, Blaise and pansy and their children waiting happily on the entrance.

He greeted them with excitement, and took them inside.
They started talking about how to surprise Harry and all, while helping to decorate the living room. They were about to surprise Harry, because he had been working hard for the last month, and they wanted him to relx for a day. Narscissa and Molly started to help the children in baking the cakes while the others helped to decorate the room, or help les in creating a wonderful dinner.

It was around 10 pm, when everyone started to get worried about Harry. It has been like 3 hours since Draco last called Harry, and he knew tht Harry should be back home by that time. So they waited patiently while chatting with eachother.

It was around 11 pm when there was a knock at the front door, and Draco motioned the others to keep quiet. Scorpius got on his feet and made his way towards the door to open it. He was met with the side of two aurors, Jared and Steve, two of Harry's partners. who looked t him with a small sad expression.

"This is Harry Potter's House right?" Jared asked while Scorpius nodded.

"Is his partner home? If he is , can you call him here?" Steve asked.
Scorpius nodded, somewhat confused, and went to the living room.

"Papa, there are two aurors at the door, who are looking for you" Scorpius said to Draco.

Draco tensed up, and nodded somewhat tensely, but smiled when he saw that it was Jared and Steve.
"Mr. Malfoy-potter, may we come in?" Steve asked when he caught sight of him.
Draco nodded and took them inside, to the living where everyone else gathered.

"Mr Malfoy, Draco, please sit down, all of you please" Jared said gravely and knelt down infront of them. They knew about dracos PTSD, as they knew eachother for 20 years more or less.

"Draco, we are sorry to give you this grave news, but Harry was attacked today in n alleyway and was hit with the cruciatis curse and sectumsempra." Jared started

Draco's heart started beating faster. What. His Harry. Attacked. What.  While the others gasped.

Draco stood up, and started to take his sweater from the sofa. And started to put it on.

"Where is he? Is he okay?! Of course not, he's not okay, and that's why you two are here?! Which hospital is he in?!" He started to ask.

"Draco, Harry received grave wounds, and on the way to hospital, he was declared dead, by the medi-wizards" Steve finished sadly with a sad tear rolling down his cheek on the mention of his dead friend.

Draco's world seem to froze, as he tried to comprehend what Steve just said. He could hear the others gasping in shock or letting out a chocked cry.

Dead?! His Harry dead?!
"No" he whispered softly. "No. No. no no no. NO" he screamed in agony and anguish at the last sentence, while tears slid down his cheeks.
He could feel his father and mother taking him into their arms, but he couldn't feel anything. Numb. He was numb at the thought, that his husband is dead.

Hermione started sobbing in Ron's arms, but he himself was not better than her. His best friend Dead. Molly sobbed at the news of Harry's death in Arthur's arms, while the senior weasley tried to comfort his wife. Harry was like a son to them. The orphan boy, their sons best friend, who they help to raise from the age of 11. George felt his eyes tearing up. Harry was like a brother to him. It was like loosing Fred all over again. He thought while gelding Angelina close to him. Bill and fleur sat there shocked along with Charlie. They couldn't believe the fact that Harry is dead.
Pansy started crying in blaise's arms. Harry was their best friend. He has grown to be a brother to them in the last 21 years. Narscissa and Lucius tried to calm their son, with tears in their eyes. Their son in law, the boy who was like a son to them is dead. Teddy couldn't believe the fact that his godfather, the man who raised him along side his grandma, after us parents death is dead. He could feel his girlfriend Victoire hugging him, while he held the eleven year old Lily luna in his arms, as she started sobbing. Albus severus sat down on the floor in shock while Scorpius tried to be strong for him, his twin. James sirius stood like a statue next to them. Their father dead.

Draco could hear someone talking about bringing the body or something.
No, his Harry is not dead. He thought as he stood up.

"No. First I have to see him. Take me to him. Please" he demanded while his voice cracked. He followed the two aurors out, with his family following him.

_____________(got time, so I updated. Stay tune)_________________________

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