Chapter 5

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The reaction that the wizarding world had when they read or heard about Harry Potter's death, in one word, was heartbreaking.
Even the magic that surrounded the air felt sombre and heavy on the bones. It was like even the magic was grieving for the loss of one of the best things that happened to the magical world.
For Draco, seeing harry lying in a casket was one of the hardest things. It hurt even more than the time when voldemort gave him the dark mark when he was a teenager. He felt like someone was squeezing his heart trying to break it into pieces. But it was already broken. The man that conquered his heart was lying pale and scarred, not breathing.
For the past two days since harry passed, it, to him felt like one hell of a slow motion. Time stopped. He needed harry. He needed to breathe in his comforting smell. To snuggle and cuddle with him. To make love with him, to kiss every inch of his face and tell him that he loves him and to hear the same back.

James looked up where his father was, sitting at the front rows unmoving. He was worried, his father looked half dead. He had already lost one and he couldn't bear to lose another. He felt like screaming with how much pain he felt in his heart. He wrapped his sister and brothers in his arms tightly, trying to give some kind of comfort to the sobbing kids.
He already gave his speech, he told how much his Dada loved him, the great harry Potter, how he took him to quidditch when he was a kid, how they spend time together, enjoying eachother's company. It hurt. Really it did to talk about his dad in past tense.

Hermione felt like her heart was breaking into pieces and she and Ron tried to continue their speech about their best friend. She felt like the time when Bellatrix carved "mudblood" in her skin but hundred times more painful. Harry was no is her brother and losing him was just. Ron tried to hold in his tears as he spoke about his best friend, his brother. They three promised to be with eachother till the end. Until the very end, but losing harry midway was agonizing.
He wrapped Hermione in his arms and they both completed their speech and went down to where Draco sat. It was now his turn and after that, after that they had to bury Harry.

Teddy helped Draco to slowly stand up on his shaking legs. Draco felt like, why was he alive. Why can't he just die alongside his harry.
Why did God have to punish him like this, for what sin? Cause he was a deatheater? But it wasn't his choice. He slowly walked to the podium with support and tried to open his mouth. But no words came out. The lump in his throat was so heavy that it started to hurt. But he tried, just for his harry.

"Harry was known by many names. The boy who lived. The vanquisher of voldemort. The master of death. The head auror potter. The golden boy. But to me, he was just my husband, my love, my harry. I've never seen a man so kind and compassionate like him. He showed me kindness when nobody did and this made me fall in love with the man he was...H-Harry had a difficult childhood but he made sure that his kids and nephews and nieces had the best one, that we all had the best lives. There are so many th-things that I could go on, but it'll always remain incomplete. Harry, love....why did you leave me? How can I live without you? ..b-but I'll try... because you wanted me to live when I tried to end my life..and I'll live just for you, we will meet eachother love" with that he walked towards where harry laid and kissed his forehead with love.
He felt like someone just hugged him, but as he turned around, he saw there was no one. It felt like one of Harry's warm hugs. He turned back to his husband, and kissed him on the forehead for the last time with tears streaming down his face.
"I love you, my Love. Wait for me" he whispered tearfully and let them to bury his love.
Harry always wanted to be laid down next to his parents when he died, and to fullfill his wishes they did.
Burying Harry was hard. After putting the coffin down, each threw a purple rose, Harry's favourite flower. He stood there supported by his family, as he saw Harry getting buried. As the minister and the aurors and the wizarding world paid his husband last respects. And he stood there alone as one by one everyone left. His family wanted to stay, but he made them go away, as he wanted some alone time with his husband's.

It started raining as He slowly took steps, and sat beside the head stone. He slowly placed his palm on the stone, and then a soft kiss, like he was kissing his Harry's forehead. The headstone read

Harry James Malfoy Potter

July 31st 1981 - June 23rd 2019
Beloved husband, father, son, brother and Friend
Our Light amongst the Dark
Our Saviour
The boy who Lived . Head auror. Master of Death. The chosen one.

And slowly he rose up, with whispering promises of coming back tomorrow. He walked out of the grave, where he saw his eldest Teddy waiting for him. He took his hand, and  apparated with a heavy heart to his now lonely house.

___________(this was hard to write tbh, I'll try and see if I can write an epilogue to this story. Please read this one, I tried to put all the emotions. Thank you for reading! Have a really good day! And enjoy! Also be happy! I'll try my best to give you all an epilogue that you deserve)___________

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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