chapter 4

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Facing Reality had always been one of his weakness. As Draco, stepped into the room, he was greeted with the smell of different kind of potions, some he recognised, some he didn't. As he stepped towards the body, dread started to fill his heart and body. What would happen, if this was his Harry? He saw Hermione and Ron crying, when they stepped out of the room. He feared that all his worst fears had come true. But still, there was a part of him that hoped, that no, this was certainly not his Harry, his husband. His husband can't be here on this bed, dead. He slowly reached infront of the bed, and with trembling hands uncovered the face of the man on the bed.
Huge gasping sobs climbed up his throat as he reached forward and touched his hair, as he ran his fingers down the ice cold face, and he howled at the top of his lungs. A guttural, agony filled howl that hurt his own ears. Because that on the bed was his Harry. Cold. Dead. Un-moving. Detached from this life. As Draco thought this, he was doubled with another round of huge heart breaking and gut wrenching sobs. His husband can't be dead. Just a day ago, Harry was there with him, in his arms. Alive and laughing. And smiling. How they cuddled with eachother just a night before. He remembered their soft kisses, their hugs. Harry's bright smile, his love filled eyes.
He put both of his trembling hands on his husband's face, and cried.
"Harry?!" "HARRY! Please come back to me, please Harry, don't leave me. Please" "please" he cried on the top of his lungs. Draco felt like he couldn't breathe. He could see the scars from the sectumsempra curse. More tears filled his eyes, as he realised that Harry layed their dieing on the stone hard pavement. How painful his last minutes were.
"Darling, please don't leave me. Remember we promised that, we'll grow old together. We'll be together, with eachother. Please don't leave me. Please." He sobbed as he patted harrys face.
He was so cold. Too cold. Not the warm, Draco was always used to.
"You're the master of death. Please please come back. You're freaking Harry Potter. The boy who lived twice. Please. So please come back" he cried.

He could hear the door opening behind him, but he didn't payed any attention there. Until he felt two strong arms holding and supporting him from behind. He turned around . It was teddy. His first son. Even though teddy was his cousin, and Harry's godson, both Draco and Harry treated him as their eldest. He could see, James, Albus, scorpius and Lily standing beside him. With tears in their eyes. Lily, Albus and scorpius were sobbing, while James tried to be strong for them. Draco, turned fully around and buried his face in teddy's chest and sobbed. Sobbed for his lost love. Teddy tried to console Draco with soft words, but he too ended up crying, because it was really unbelievable that Harry is no more with them.
Lily, slowly stepped towards her dad and put her hands on his face. She sobbed for her dad. She could hear her papa sobbing, and it caused her to sob more.

"Dada. Please wake up" she whispered softly. Nothing happened. So she buried her face on Harry's chest and cried, while James tried to comfort his little sister.
James hugged lily along with scorpius and Albus, as they cried for their dad.
The others, outside were crying, as they felt their heart breaking for the now-broken family. They all have lost a brother-friend and son today. Harry was all very dear to them. He was the day of sunshine that brightened their life's.
They gave the family space for grieving as they all sat silently crying or sobbing outside the hospital room.

That day was the day,when potter-malfoy family lost their loved one.

At that same time, something unusual happened at all the places, in the Wizarding world. The magic in the air and  atmosphere felt sombre. Felt unhappy and dull. At Hogwarts, instead of the warmth, the students and staff felt cold. It felt like, even mother magic and Hogwarts were grieving for losing one of the greatest things, that ever happened to them. Harry Potter was the hope of the Wizarding world and always will be. Losing him was one of the worst things that happened to the Wizarding word.

                        Harry James Potter

          July 31st 1981 - June 23rd 2019
Beloved husband, father, son, brother and friend.
                          Our Saviour.
        The boy who lived. Head Auror.    Master of Death. The chosen one.

" To a well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure"

*(Hey! So started writing this one yesterday. I was in the middle of eating, when this plot came, and so I started writing it. Just a funeral chapter left. Hope you like it! Sorry for making it angst)

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