Jealousy Jealously

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That's all Lisa could feel. How could she let herself feel so stupid and not think the last person would have some type of skilled plan like that?

The cheers gotten louder, clapping for the first place winner herself.

"Wow Congrats, Rosé! Come up here and give a speech for all your loving fans watching here and anywhere else in the world!" The host cheered as he announced on the microphone.

The only problem is, Lisa didn't know who Rosé was....

Maybe she is a underrated streamer who is a rookie just like lisa...? Or maybe she is from a foreign country and does streams!

Lisa watch as the tall, blonde girl walks up on stage, smiling with confidence, power and of course happiness. She already was jealous of her without evening knowing anything about her.

She is beautiful, A pro-gamer and has a large fanbase. The small girl could tell she had an large fanbase due to more than 3/4 of the crowd cheered for her when they heard she won the tournament.

"Would I get the same reactions if I had won? Would people even know who I was? Am I just overreacting?" The shy girl thought to herself as she was lost in thoughts on how she still lost the competition.

"I swore I had it! Where did she even come from?" Lisa mumbled to herself, still having her eyes on the long-haired blonde. The envious feeling did not leave Lisa's chest. It stands strong overpowering the sadness.

Everyone cheered and clapped for the pretty blonde girl and Lisa sat there with daze, admiring how gorgeous she was.

She then cleared her voice and talk into the microphone,

"I'd like to thank my loving support fans for giving the motivation to try harder and winning the money! I also like to thank my girlfriend, Jennie for giving advice for this whole gameplay...."

The way she talked was like listening to your favorite song on repeat. Her Australian accent was everything, The way she smiled was beautiful. Lisa hate to admit this but, She is better than her in every way..

The beautiful blonde girl finishes up her speech and says, "also thanks for the gamers that are here today! I wouldn't have won without you!" The claps were loud and Mina even cheered for her. Lisa was still in a daze on how gorgeous the tall girl was. She was effortlessly beautiful and Lisa was awed by that.

The pretty blonde walks off stages and walks back to her seats to finish gathering her things.

The host then runs back to the microphone grabbing everyone attention, ending off the show since time was up.

"Alright Gamers and Fans! This is the end of the tournament we hope you can come to the ones next year and the years after that! Also, IF you purchase backstage tickets please go now before the security close it up! Otherwise, Keep gaming and enjoy the rest of your night folks!"

Lisa stood up and grabbed her small purse that sat sadly on the floor and fixed her tennis skirt making herself look appeal for backstage. Lisa then turn around and waved to the fans watching in the background. This was Lisa's favorite part, The fan Interactions! Making them happy makes her happy.

"Ready to go, Lisa?" Mina gently places her hand on the thai girl shoulder and Lisa nodded. The two gamer girls walked down the idle and into the backstage where every gamer was at.

"Ima go talk to Bambam and Eunwoo! You can wait for me here if you would like!" Mina waved as she walk towards the circle of gamers who were all circling that one pretty blonde.

The feeling in her chest came back again. This time is stung more because even her own friend went to cheer on someone who stole the crown her. Lisa sat down on the small wooden bench in the crowded hallways and watch the group talk from a distance.

"Wow Rosé you really killed it out there! And your strategy was amazing! Who would of thought that?!"

"Thank you guys! It wasn't really nothing! Just an old trick in the book."

Lisa felt some type of sadness form, from wanting to be the same person getting that much attention and praises like the famous blonde.

"If I had won, Would people surround me like they did her?" The small girl thought to herself as she still was watching the other gamers cheered on Rosé from a distance.

It hurted Lisa. She didnt want to seem selfish but she really want to win. It was her dream! It was her desired to win. And now it gotten tooken away.

The short haired girl then took out her phone and went onto twitter, Rosé trended number 1 in gaming.

"That couldve been me...Why isn't it me?? Did I not try hard enough?"

Lisa silently thought to herself scrolling through the tweets filled with hate, love and some shady tweets towards Lisa.

"The way rosé did that easy attack on ykw just shows how great of a gamer she is"

"I can imagine the pain lalalalisa went through after she died the last second, I mean she is unknown anyways😇."

"Ykw lost 10k subscribers just for losing the tournament, all her fans probably left to go subscribe to the winner herself😽😭"

Tears welped up in the small girl's eyes. The comments were worse than the feeling of losing. Lisa was about to shed some tears until she saw mina excitedly running over to her.

"LALISA COME TO DINNER WITH US!" She excitedly asked the sad girl who was 2 seconds away from tears rolling down her face. Lisa sighed and look at the time.

"I guess, But I don't wanna be out too late...I promised my fans I'd play minecraft with them."

The thai girl replied as mina excitedly grabbed Lisa hands and pulled her towards the direction of the major group.

"This can't be that bad...right?'



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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