Chapter 8

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I was confused on what Ford just said to Ford, 'What are you planning, Ford? ' I said to myself. Later that night Ford and Stan are waiting for me to fall asleep, I don't feel like to fall asleep because I wasn't tired. Stan looked at Ford and said "Lynn isn't going to sleep, Poindexter. Now what are we going to do?" Ford replied "I have a plan", I heard a knock on the door and I said "Come in" and I saw Ford is holding a cup of tea asked me "Do you like tea? I figured that you needed it". "Thanks Ford, what kind of tea is it?" I asked Ford replied "It's green tea, supposed to helping you to fall asleep" both of us said our good nights.

"3...2..1" said Ford and Stan heard me fell on the ground next to my bed, Ford opened the door and picked me up putting me on my bed. Stan asked "What did you put in her tea?" Ford replied "I put crashed up sleeping pills in her cup" and Stan said to himself 'I'll try doing that to you, Poindexter'. Ford walked up to the door and closed it, took his journal 3 from the inside of his trench coat and Ford replied "You ready Stan".

Stan said to him "I'm ready, let's do this for Lynn" and Ford opened his journal, they put their hands on my head and Ford is reading the incantation: "VIDENTIS OMNIUM, MAGISTER MENTIUM, MAGNESIUM AD HOMINEM, MAGNUM OPUS, HABEUS CORPUS, INCEPTUS NOLANUS OVERRATUS, MAGISTER MENTIUM... MAGISTER MENTIUM... MAGISTER MENTIUM!" Ford and Stan woke up inside of my mindscape, so they started walking to find my nightmare. Stan asked Ford "What are we looking for?" Ford replied "We're looking for Lynn's nightmare of us getting killed by her from Agent Powell's command", then suddenly they finally found my nightmare behind the door that says 'DO NOT ENTER!' in black bold letters. 

Stan said to Ford "Looks like we found the door that contains her nightmare, Poindexter" and Ford nodded his head added "You are right, Stan. Let's go in and see it with our eyes". So we went inside her dream started to seeing Lynn running away from the government, but she noticed that we got captured and Agent Powers told her to kill us....Then Ford saw himself shoot Lynn in the leg and her arm, Ford and Stan woke up real quick saw me up from my bed. Ford said "Lynn. You're afraid of me going to shoot you in the leg and the arm with my dimensional gun at you".

I said to them "Yes, Ford. It's true", Ford and Stan looking at each other wondering if you wanted to talking about it. Ford sat down on the bed and looked me in the eyes said "Lynn, it's not going to happen because I love you so much and even Stan, Dipper, Wendy, Soos and Mabel are also loves you too. We wouldn't going to hurt you, Lynn. Please trust us, okay". I looked at them with a smile and replied "Okay, I trusting you guys". 

Stan walked up to me and handed me a amulets , added "This amulets you, Lynn, I got one for myself and you got one too as well, Poindexter." Ford asked Stan "Is this the amulets that will telling us who's in danger by glowing?" Stan added "You are right, Poindexter. It only glowing to telling us in danger. Ford, yours only glowing gold, my only glowing red and Lynn, yours is only glowing sliver. It has three colors in the amulets." I smiled at Stan and gave him a hug, Ford gave him a high six and said "Not a bad idea, Stan. I'm impress". We all agree to go back to bed to getting some sleep for the next day.

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