Chapter 18

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Today Dipper and Ford playing a game called "Dungeon, Dungeon and More Dungeon". I looked at them asked "What's Dungeon, Dungeon and More Dungeon?" Dipper explaining it to me while Ford were getting some sodas and handing over to us, Dipper said to Ford "Hey grunkle Ford, show Lynn your Infinity-sided die" and Ford showed it to me, I looked at it added "That is very cool Infinity-sided die, Ford".

I'm surprised that Stan and Mabel was playing this game with Dipper and Ford, Stan said to Ford "This is getting boring, Poindexter" and I replied to Stan "Because you're using your brain to thinking on your next move, Stan". Stan got mad at me for being a smart ass to him, Stan grabbed Ford's bag of dice and he threw it to the ground.. Ford, Stan, Dipper, Mabel and I looked at the Infinity-sided die the game brought out Probabilitor the Wizard!

Probabilitor saw us said "I am here to taking the smartest gamer with me, so I can eating your brains!" Dipper screamed "WHAT!?" Ford said to me "Get behind me, Lynn" taking out his gun and pointing at Probabilitor the Wizard, but Probabilitor the Wizard rolled his die and said "Math laser attack!" Probabilitor the Wizard told the trolls to grabbing Dipper and Ford, but the Probabilitor the Wizard walked up to me and he grabbed me by the arm and I replied "Hey! Let me go!"

We were carried away to the woods Ford and Dipper were tied up to the tree, Ford was looking around and asked Dipper "Where's Lynn?" Probabilitor the Wizard walked up still holding on to my arm, showing Dipper and Ford that I'm okay. Ford and Dipper yelled "LYNN!" Probabilitor the Wizard tied my hands in front of me, Ford said to me "Lynn, you alright" I nodded my head and Ford noticed that my eyes are turning sliver, Ford looked at my left hand that my unicorn hair bracelet was off.

So Stan and Mabel was facing against the Probabilitor the Wizard in the Dungeon, Dungeon and More Dungeon in a real live a edition. The Probabilitor the Wizard brought out his three trolls against their players Ford (the elder elf), Dipper (elf) and for me (princess elf). Ford is blushing seeing me in a sliver silky dress, he said to himself 'Lynn looks so damn cute in that dress'. Stan and Mabel defeated the Probabilitor the Wizard in the Dungeon, Dungeon and More Dungeon and we poof back in our normal clothes, but Ford still seeing my eyes are still sliver.

Stan handed my unicorn hair bracelet to Ford said "Here Poindexter, I found her unicorn hair bracelet that was on the ground". Ford putting the unicorn hair bracelet back on my left hand and my eyes are finally back to normal, looking back at Ford and Stan replied "Thank you Stan and Ford". Mabel said "Let's go home" and we all agree headed home.

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