Chapter 16

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This morning I was looking out the window while I'm drinking a cup of coffee and I hear Mabel and Dipper ran downstairs to the kitchen with Stan making their breakfast. Ford grabbed his cup of coffee walked up behind me and asked me "What are you staring at, Lynn?" I replied "I thought that I saw something outside, Ford" and Stan said to me and Ford "I'm taking Dipper, Soos, Wendy and Mabel camping trip and won't be back until tomorrow night".

Ford said "Okay Stan, please be careful and be safe you guys", Mabel said to Ford "Oh we will, grunkle Ford". Dipper smile at us added "I'm bringing my journal to finding strange things or different kinds of monsters" I giggled at the kids and I gave them a hug, handed them a bag of snacks for them to snack on. We heard a knock at the door, Ford answered the door and said "Stan, Wendy and Soos are here". 

Soos said "Hey there dudes" and Wendy added "I brought my axe to the camping trip, Mr. Pines", Stan putting everything in the car looking at Ford and I "Well, we're off and be careful and also be safe as well okay you guys". We waved them goodbye, Ford and I went inside of the mystery shack finishing up our coffee. I replied to Ford "I'm gonna taking a shower be right back", Ford nodded his head. An hour later I came out of the shower and getting dressed, went downstairs to finding Ford. "Ford? Where are you?" I asked, Ford came back upstairs from his lab and said "I'm right here Lynn".

Ford and I were sitting down on the couch, Ford looked at me said "I know that look" and I looked back at him asked "What look are you talking about?" Ford is holding my hand replied "You were wondering if we're safe. Lynn, we are safe because I have my dimensional gun to protecting us together." "I believe you, Ford. It's just that.. Do you think that Agent Powell and Gideon are going to summoning Bill Cipher?" I said to Ford. Ford gave me a smile added "I promise that you'll be safe by my side, Lynn" and we both gave each other a kiss on our lips. 

Ford also added "Now let's us go taking a nap, shall we" and I agreed with him. So Ford and I were taking a nap, then Ford was inside of his mindscape and he heard an evil laugh. Ford said to himself 'I know that laugh',  he yelled "SHOW YOURSELF!" Bill Cipher showed up in his dream and said to him "Sixer! You miss me", Ford answered to Bill Cipher "What you want from me, Bill Cipher?" Bill answered "Why I'm looking for your fiancé, Sixer", Ford said to Bill "You stay away from Lynn!" Bill just laughing at Ford replied "You can't be keep on saving her, Sixer. It's matter of time".

Ford jumped up from his nap and looking at me, Ford said to himself 'I have to protecting her from them, but how?' Ford went to his lab and trying to think of a plan to keeping me from Agent Powell, Gideon and now Bill, I woke up from my nap looking for Ford and I went downstairs to Ford's lab noticing that he's working on something, I said "Ford..." Ford turn around saw me standing there staring at him and I asked him "What's wrong, Ford?" Ford knows that he can't lie to me, he replied "Bill was in my dream, Lynn. He's helping them to finding you". 

I went up to him asked "What are we going to do now, Ford?" We heard the door opened, Ford grabbed his gun out and he took my unicorn hair bracelet off my left hand, I transformed into a white wolf. We went upstairs from his lab and we walked very slowly, we heard them talking and I started to growling. We both jumped out from the kitchen Ford was pointing his gun at someone and I was growling at them. 

Stan said to us "Ford! Lynn! It's just us" and Ford putting his gun down said "Sorry Stan, we thought you guys were one of Agent Powell's men or Gideon's men or Bill Cipher". I was still in my white wolf form and also still growling at them. Stan, Soos, Dipper, Mabel, Wendy and Ford are still talking, I jumped in front of Ford while I'm still growling at them. Stan looked at me and then at Ford said "Uh... Ford?"

 Ford walked up in front of me, looking into my sliver eyes replied "Lynn, it's just Stan and the kids. They're not one of the Agent Powell's men or Gideon's men or Bill Cipher", I still growling at them walking very slowly staring at Stan. Ford went up to me added "You have to believe me, Lynn. It's just them, remember Stan that he promised to protecting you?" I stopped growling at them, I sat down looking at Ford and Stan. 

Ford walked up to me putting my unicorn hair bracelet back on my left hand and I transformed back to normal, I  looked at them said "I am so sorry for growling at you guys. I was just protecting myself and Ford". Stan gave me a hug and a smile saying "It's okay, Lynn. We know that you're protecting yourself and Ford. Let's go to bed and we'll talk about this tomorrow morning" and we went to bed and get some sleep. 

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