Part 1: Introduction.

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Paper Trails Post Timeline

Its been a decade since the events of paper trail 1.

The entire gang has slowly integrated into their respective lives.

Kel has retreated to isolated living in a secluded island.

Kim survived the events of blood mine. She's changed her identity and lives as a Principal at Armens Primary School, she has dedicated her life to advanced shaman research.

Steve is a freelance visual artist and spends his time enjoying a quiet life with his family.

Peace has been restored in Archemes for about a decade now..

Kim now goes by the name Kora

kora calls Jennifer.

Kora: Jennifer, I want to confirm something. I think the boy we have been watching has been found.

Jennifer: We'll have to speed up our plans then. Any ideas about a leak?

Kora: I'm not sure but I'm going to confirm soon.

Kora proceeds to approach professor James' office.

Kora: Mr James. It looks like we've found our next.

James: How do you know this is true?

Kora: He's got the Air chakra.

James: Like that boy.

Kora: Yes. But we must watch him carefully, he's the key to the advancement of our plans.

James: The last Aligned was a disgrace. Maybe trying to sneak him in a normal integrated school setting is a mistake.

He's traits will start to develop soon and then we wont be able to conceal him.

James: But how did you find him?

Kora: I noticed his traits.

Kora is lying to James. She doesn't fully trust him. She knows about the boy because he is linked to Sam.

Kora calls Sam.

Kora: Sam, It looks like they've spotted our boy.

Sam: Have they found any of his Aligned Familiars?

Kora: My international contacts haven't seen or heard any such thing.

Sam: Do you think we should put them all in one place.

Kora: Never. Look that will just make BP's job 1000 times easier.

No we have to protect you and them.

Pack your bags and head to the address I've placed for you under the red car opposite your apartment.

Do so exactly 2 hours After I leave.

Sam heads over to the car. He looks under the car to check for the note.

The vehicle explodes.

Sam is pronounced dead by the mainstream media.

Kora arrives at her home with Sam.

Kora: look here. In this room is a detailed list of instructions on how to handle this situation.

I'm going to be arrested for killing you, I believe I'll be questioned on our boy.

Sam: They'll torture you.

Kora: Better me than you. No offence but once they decide to target you its game over..

She hands him a gun.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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