3. Baby, i love you ❤

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Before we start I just wanted to thank you. you made me smile. and after this book is finished I will edit it alot haha, ^^ thanks for reading if you even do read this stuff. Probaly not. sorry I'm late... it doesn't show when people comment on the chapters for me. but thank you. I wrote this chapter for you. ^^

(Madelyn's pov)


I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror, as the silent tears fell from my eyes. down my pale cheeks, I cringed slightly. 'You don't deserve Sebastian or damien. you should of died years ago you ugly brat.' I covered my mouth to stop from sobbing.

The voice in my head was right...

I shook my head and wiped my face as my mother called for me. I closed my eyes a took a deep breath.

'U can do this.. you are perfect. you don't have to try so hard.' I smiled at the second voice. I un-braided my hair and let it fall down my naked back.

I blushed as I thought about My dream. I looked at my naked body in the mirror.

I was nothing special.... my body was too thin. I didn't have curves. I had a normal sized chest.

I don't get why people think I'm so beautiful. I guess I'm unique,
With my golden/Blonde hair and purple eyes. I sighed yet again.

I looked so pale. I was paler then my mothers white earrings.
I slipped a long Honey coloured dress over my legs. I wiggled my hips slightly and pulled it up to my chest. I laced up the front and then looked up to see how I looked.

Even far away you could see the regret and pain in my eyes. I shook my head and walked out of my room.
I walked down the long hallway to the dinner room. I heard many laughs and voices. I poked my head around the corner and glanced around the room. many people sat at the table. I moved so that my back was against the wall. 'Im so... plain. I feel broken for some reason...'

I walked into the room and sat between Sebastian and damien. I stayed silent as I looked down at the tablecloth.

"Oh dear, nice of you to join us Madelyn." my mothers voice silenced everyone. I looked up and plastered on a fake smile as I looked at my mother. "Sorry mother. I had somthing I was doing." 'Liar.'

My mother glanced at me but just smiled. The conversation started again. when somthing involved me I just nodded, After I had finished my food I got up. "Excuse me." I walked past many people and walked out of the room into the hallway, as soon as I got out of hearing and seeing range, I ran. not to my room, or to my mothers room. I ran to The attic,

I closed the door and sat down on the grey carpeted floor. I needed to cry.

And this was the perfect place to do it.

(Damien's pov)

As soon as Madelyn left the room I looked at Sebastian. "Ill go see what's up" he said smiling. "No. ill go, Shes more likely to talk to me. all you do is push her around like she's your slave." I hissed at him and stood up and ran out of the room.

I know it was harsh, but all he does is kiss her. like Shes some kind of sex slave. you might think I'm over-reacting. but I'm not. then again I'm talking to myself.

I walked up to the attic where I heard low crys and sobs coming from.
I looked around as I entered the old dusty room. "Madelyn..."

I whispered her name as I saw her curled up on the floor. I walked over to her and crouched down. She looked down at the floor. I reached my hand to grab hers, but she quickly tackled me to the ground and hugged me tightly, I could feel the tears soaking into my shirt. "D-damien.." she croaked and she stared at me. her eyes instantly lit up. she looked more, alive.

She sat up and scooted back against the wall. I crawled over and sat next to her,

After a few minutes of silence I felt her grab my hand. "Damien... have you ever thought about how i wasn't ever good enough for both of you...."

(Madelyn's pov)

I don't know how it slipped out, but as soon as it did I regretted it as Damien's eyes flashed with anger and hurt. "Baby, me and Sebastian both love you to fucking death. you are enough for two men to Love for all eternity."

I glanced at him shocked, I instantly had a smile on my face. I climbed onto his lap and I hugged him tightly.
"Damien... you are my rock.." I kissed his cheek as the unshed tears burned in my eyes. "If anything ever happened to you or Sebastian, I would die.."

Oh if only I knew what would be unleashed...


A little foreshadowing... yep, XD I can't tell if this is a cliffhanger or not. oh well, anyways, sorry it's kinda a depressing chapter. but I wanted to let you guys get to know Madelyn a little better. though its really short, I'm sorry about that... I listen to music while I write, so I usually take the emotions from the song and morph them into somthing Xoxo.

Songs- Try by colbie calliat.
Nobody's home by avril lavigne
Breakeven by the script
Baby I love you
(forgot who sings it)

Well I hope you guys enjoyed xoxo

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