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Today I woke up and forgot where I was for a minute and then remembered that we were in the flaming tower where we now live. We are going to see dad soon. I'm so happy, Blaze was so overjoyed when we all found out that we would see him today. She ran around the room for a whole hour. Mom and I had just started getting ready for breakfast when Blaze came running in yelling WE GET TO SEE DADDY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tell her to calm down and get ready to have breakfast. After breakfast we go down to the community room and wait for dad. We wait for TWO WHOLE HOURS! and dad still has not arrived, Blaze is napping on the couch after having been running around for a while. Then a messenger comes in and tells us that he is sorry but dad was on an emergency call to the war front to fight the ice dragons. Mom is super worried and once we get back to our apartments mom goes off by herself and leaves me to look after Blaze. Then I put Blaze down for a nap so that I could do my school work, mom homeschools me so I basically get to make my own schedule. It's pretty cool because I love planning things & so I can do that all day long. I needed more ink so I went to my mom's desk and I found a letter to dad from last year, It said

Dear General Flame,

You and your wife, Lady Burn (Lady Burn? Mom's related to the Queen?) are invited to a dinner with the Leader of our kingdom, Queen Ruby. We will provide a sitter for your children.

Sincerely, The head Advisor to the Queen

I remember this party. That sitter was so mean she made me go to bed with Blaze when I usually go to bed like two hours later than her. She's only two and I'm six and a half. Every year we get to stay up half an hour later. The sitter was also a little crazy because she kept rambling on about some big responsibility that I would have. WAIT if mom is a Lady then I'm the queen's niece so I am first in line for the throne because Queen Ruby has no kids, she doesn't even have a husband! OH MY DRAGON LORD unless she gets married I'm going to be Queen! So that sitter wasn't kidding, that's a huge responsibility.    

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