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Blaze is MISSING!!!!!! She must have snuck out while I was in mom's office. I'm so worried about her, nobody in the tower will hurt her but if she wanders outside there are other dragons that would love to get their hands on General Flame's daughter. I go into mom's room to tell her that Blaze is missing, "Mom" "yes Blister'' "I put Blaze down for a nap and she snuck out when I went into your office to get ink" I didn't mention the letter I don't think mom would like to know that I was reading her mail. "We need to find her" mom says "you go to the office and have them send a search party, I will go and ask around if anyone has seen her.'' So then I go running as fast as I can to the main office. So we found Blaze but only because I had the idea to look in her diary to see if she had written were she was hiding turns out she was hiding in the Jewelry shop and we had ALREADY looked there so yeah then mom asked Blaze why she was hiding and Blaze replied "Because Blister's able to go to the party and I can't go and it's NOT FAIR" Mom was really mad and told Blaze that she would get to go to parties when she was 5 but until then she would just have to deal with it. So Mom and I go to the party and Queen Ruby comes up asking to talk with us in a private room so we go with her and she explains that since she has no husband or children and I'm already 6 we need to start Queen lessons for me because I will probably inherit the throne so I act SUPER excited like it's the first time I'm hearing this news and that I haven't already figured out that I'm next in line for the throne. So when we got home mom told me to go polish my scales because I had queen lessons tomorrow morning and Blaze overheard and shouted "BLISTER'S GONNA BE QUEEN? When she shouted she woke up the sitter and the sitter apologized for falling asleep and not noticing Blaze running all over our apartments, we told her it was fine and that we totally understood we get tired out from watching Blaze all the time and that its ok but she just kept apologizing to us to be honest it was kinda funny because the sitter is bigger than mom and is groveling at our talons. 

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