[book 2] chapter seven: we meet the future mrs. parker

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CALL ME STUBBORN but I couldn't find it in me to apologize to James

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CALL ME STUBBORN but I couldn't find it in me to apologize to James. Why was I always the one waving the white flag? He shouldn't have gotten so mad at me over something that trivial. Besides, him getting angry couldn't change what had already happened. I just wanted to enjoy whatever time we had of our limited summer before he had to return to Penbrooke. Speaking of which, if anyone had the right to be upset over secrets, it was me. James promised me a full summer together and now he was leaving to go work? Yes, I was beyond proud of him and didn't want to hold him back, but he kept that secret from me for who knew how long, yet he had the audacity to be upset over something that had happened two days ago.

There was a light tapping on my door and Niko stuck his head into my room. "Dinner's ready."

"Be right down," I replied offhandedly.

"Will you be okay?" His voice was laced with concern.

If anyone needed to be asked that, it was him. My poor big brother had no idea of the storm coming his way.

I gave him a tight-lipped smile. "I'm sure I will be." There was no way James was going to ruin our summer over something this ridiculous, and there was no way I was going to let him. I got up from my desk chair and trailed behind Niko as we went to the dining room.

I couldn't stop the grimace from forming on my face when I saw six sets of cutlery prepared, instead of the usual five. "I'm guessing Officer Shaw is joining us?"

"Please, Daniella, call me Adam," the obnoxious voice belonging to the even more obnoxious cop said from behind me. He walked past me and placed a salad bowl in the centre of the table.

"I prefer Dani," I told him.

He raised his eyebrows questioningly. "Isn't Danny a boy's name?"

"Don't," Niko warned, seeing the fiery look in my eyes.

I exhaled loudly through my nostrils before taking a seat in the chair diagonal from the head chair. Of course, Adam just had to sit across from me, giving me an innocent smile to which I replied with a scowl. Brenton and Alex came into the dining room, my twin sitting beside me, forcing Alex to sit beside Adam. Niko had disappeared into the kitchen just as Mom came out with the main course.

"You cooked?" Alex asked bewilderedly.

She shook her head. "Actually, Adam prepared tonight's dinner." She skimmed the table, lifting her perfectly arched eyebrow. "Where's Nikolas?"

On cue, Niko returned from the kitchen with an extra set of cutlery. Brenton and I turned to look at each other with wide eyes, bracing ourselves for the shit show that was to come. "I've invited Vanessa for dinner," he said.

"This is a family dinner," Mom told him in a matter-of-fact tone.

Niko shrugged his shoulders. "She's about to be family. Besides, you invited that guy, whoever he is."

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