Chapter 14

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The metal door creaked open, slowly allowing in a beam of light from the hallway. Sofia was curled up in a corner. She lifted her head, squinting in the brightness. Anxiety traveled through her body at lightning speed, seizing her muscles. A Falconer stepped in, casting a shadow over her figure. She shrunk back, giving into a whimper as he stooped down and hauled her up to a standing position. His name patch was at eye level, Falconer Brooks. Her skin had gone sallow and tight against her facial bones. Punishment had been swift, and it had been mighty. Her notes were pulled from her underwear by Dr. Flores and the consequences landed her in isolation. Showers were denied and only two small meals--all of which were bowls of beans and rice-- were granted. All sense of time evaporated in the darkness. She'd been there a day, or maybe a week. It was beginning to feel like months and then years.

She was led down the hallway towards the shower block. Her heart thumped in excitement as the Falconer opened the door and nodded for her to enter. Inside was a female Falconer holding a towel and soap. Her name patch read Falconer Hadiza. She watched Sofia undress and lifted a brow when she spotted the dramatic tattoos. Sofia ignored her stares, greedily using up as much soap as she possibly could. Her own smell had long penetrated her nostrils, leaving behind that distinct stench. In Sofia's mind, she'd never be rid of it. Hot water washed away the suds and grime, but it couldn't wash away the memories of being in that hole. Sometimes she thought there had been rats inside with her. They'd scamper across her feet or nip at her skin.

With the darkness, she could never check to see if she had bites, but the lack of sickness made her think maybe it was all in her head. Sofia shut off the water and wrapped a fluffy white towel around her body. Falconer Hadiza followed her out, meeting up with Falconer Brooks, then together they escorted Sofia back to her dorm. She found it empty when she entered. Relief tugged at her memory of that day. It always flashed by, the day she and Harper attacked. Their bends were still in their spots, so maybe Harper was okay. Her first few days in darkness were asking about Harper, but she received no response. Maybe not she'd gotten her answer. Placed on her bed was a fresh uniform, that she was ordered to get into. This time, the two Falconers waited outside for her to dress.

When she was ready, their next destination was her session room. The revelation placed her on a new timeline. It was Tuesday, Tuesdays were for group therapy. She'd get to see Harper, and talk, and everything would be okay. The Falconers entered a code to open the door to the session room. They nodded to her, then assumed posts right outside. Sofia scanned the room quickly, darting from one face to the next. No Harper. Uncertainty and anxiety swam up like heartburn, leaving a nasty taste at the back of her throat. Pauline smiled brightly, an automatic smile that chilled more than it brought comfort. Sofia settled on the only empty chair, noticing it was just one empty chair and not two.

Pauline stood, taking control of the disruption Sofia had made and pressed her hands together as if she were very eager to talk about the topic she was about to open.

"You may notice a friendly face has returned to us." She beamed, holding a hand out to Sofia.

Her group kept their heads lowered, either uninterested or too distraught.

"Welcome back, Lily." Sofia tensed at the usage of her fake name.

Pauline seemed to stress it, almost as if she knew it was nothing but a false identity.

Sofia forced herself to remain calm and not accidentally blanche, but considering her time spent in darkness, she had definitely lost color. The overhead lights burned her eyes, making them water and grow red in irritation. She squeezed them shut and kept her head down as Pauline continued. Maybe if she stayed this way, the headache beginning at the backs of her eyes wouldn't have time to flourish.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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