Chapter 7

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*8 Years Earlier*

Secrets were easy to keep in their house, especially with trusting parents and a little sister who covered for you. Sofia was thirteen when she started sneaking out of the window in the bedroom, she shared with her eleven-year-old sister, Eden. The plan was always the same, stuff a hoodie with small pillows and leave it under the covers. With her allowance, Sofia had even managed to buy a cheap wig, similar to her hair color, to complete the decoy. Incredulity surged through Sofia the first time it worked. After that, the schemes grew more elaborate, the crazier, the more exciting it became when they worked, and Sofia continued to pass under the radar. It was innocent in the beginning, just sneaking out to parties. Then at fourteen, she discovered the thrills of underage drinking and five months later, she discovered boys.

Dresses and skirts got shorter, nights out longer. Eden was painfully aware of it all, but she idolized the image of her beautiful older sister. All the boys loved her, she was popular, had the cool clothes. How could she ruin that by letting it slip to her mother? Instead, she turned a blind eye to the dark spots on her sister's neck that she covered with foundation, the weird balloons in small square packages, and the odd breath mints that came in a circle and were hidden under her bed. Sofia was so effortless, so smooth in how she communicated with everyone. She knew how to work a room, absorbing all attention, just by walking through the door. Eden would daydream about the time when she would be able to experience the same. She imagined the clothes she'd wear, the boys she'd get to choose from, and all the fun she'd have. After all, Sofia had yet to get in trouble, there was no downside to this. She'd marked the day, her fourteenth birthday in red marker. In her eyes, that's when Sofia had blossomed and she could only hope she was equally as blessed.

Crossing off each day made it appear an eternity before the day finally arrived. Eden sat in front of the mirror as Sofia curled her hair and walked her through applying her makeup. She was radiating true elation, watching herself transform with just a couple swipes of eyeliner and mascara. Sofia curled the last few strands, working a brush through her work until Eden's hair was effortlessly wavy. Eden beamed at her reflection, reaching up to tousle her hair. Her older sister turned towards the bed to grab a gift bag with pink tissue paper sticking out of the top. Happy Birthday was written in glittery gold lettering over plain black. She set the bag down in front of Eden, watching her reaction in the vanity mirror.

The tissue paper was quickly pushed aside to reveal a red dress. Eden's eyes widened in delight as she recognized Sofia's favorite party dress. She turned her gaze upward to find her older sister beaming with pride. Eden couldn't even count how many times she'd imagined wearing that dress or spotted similar styles in store only to find the price tag to be too steep. Now she had her own. She wrapped Sofia in a tight hug around the neck, then bounded into the bathroom to change. The material was soft against her skin as she zipped it up and admired herself in the lengthy mirror on the bathroom door. Everything was perfect.

She met the rest of her family downstairs, who were waiting to take her out to dinner. It was the night before high school, the night before her entire life changed for the better, or so she imagined. The girls got off first while their dad parked their SUV in the furthest stall, to avoid another car giving his, a ding. Sofia and Eden clacked behind their mom who was wearing a simple white dress. She opened the door, using an arm to escort her young girls in, then met with the host who brought them to their table.

Eden was attractive for her age, a little gangly in some areas, but nothing she wouldn't grow out of. She blushed noticing the wandering eyes of some of the teenage boys enjoying dinner with their families. She took a seat, undoing the napkin to lay it across her lap. She'd read up on classy dinner etiquette. They waited for their dad before they ordered drinks and eventually dinner. Mrs. Mondragon raised her water glass, and looked directly at Eden, praising her for being such a wonderful daughter. She wished her a happy life full of many more birthdays and finished with a few words about her upcoming high school career.

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