A Nightmare

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*Gallert Alistair Hammond's POV*

I stayed in the greenhouse for a while. My eyes were fixed on the glass door and I swore I could still see my son's figure standing there, even though he had left hours ago. My mind started to wonder as Alexander's face haunted me. His expression before he left was something I wished I would never see - a face filled with disappointment and heartbreaks.

The tapping sound of raindrops were getting louder and I shifted my attention towards the roof glass above me. The glass began to vibrate as a mighty thunder roared once again. An unusual feeling appreared inside me - I couldn't quite describe what it was or how it came over me, but I had that feeling. A mixture of anxiety, fear and guilt.

My train of thoughts were interupted by the sound of a running footsteps behind me. It was Lucius. He was soaked from the thunderstorm and he was out of breath. In a swift move, he was now standing in front of me and gave a respectful nod.
"Sir..." He said.
"Yes, what is it Lucius? And why on earth are you soaking wet?" I replied with an arched eyebrow.
"I've just received a phone call from Warminster Community Hospital. Master Alexander was taken by an ambulance and now being treated there," he said quitely.
My heart seemed to stop beating for a moment and my voice came out more quiet than I've anticipated, "W... what h... happened?" I stuttered.
"He was involved in a crash, sir. According to the eyewitnesses, his car was driving in such a speed and started to spin on the road, before crashing and rolling down the small hill. The eyewitnesses called the ambulance right away and they saw Master Alexander was covered in blood when he was brought into the ambulance."
"Have you informed Ms. Hart?" I asked quietly.
"Yes, she's getting prepared to go to the hospital now."
"Please tell Damian to get my car ready and inform Ms. Hart that we'll be leaving in five minutes."
"Sir." Lucius nodded to me and ran for the door.


The drive towards the hospital seemed to pass slowly. Damian was driving carefully, especially in that kind of weather. We were just passing through Westbury road when Damian came to a stop. He looked at Rowena and I from the rearview mirror and pointed to the right
"Sir..." he said.
Rowena and I squinted our eyes and we finally saw an upside down black Mercedes not too far from the small hill. The polices were there with a tow truck. I opened the door to my car and walked towards the crowd.

The chief of the local police - Charles McGetigan walked towards me with a hand on his forehead to block the rain out from his eyes.
"Mr. Hammond," he greeted me.
"Charles..." I nodded
"It was a bad accident sir, all of the windows are shattered and there's blood in the airbag. Whoever the driver is, is very lucky to have eyewitnesses passing by and to be getting an immediate help."
"Right... would you thank the eyewitnesses for me and ask them to contact me personally?" I said.
"Of course, sir. Why? If I may asked?" He tilted his head aside.
"Because... those people might have just saved my son's life," I replied before walking back towards my car.


We finally reached Warminister Community Hospital within 45 minutes. Rowena was shaking throughout the journey and I held her hand firmly in mine to gave her the support she needed, or maybe... getting the support I needed.

We went to the counter and asked for a crash injured patient under the name of Alexander Hammond; and the nurse escorted us to the ICU. I felt my knees weakened before me and I had to hold on to the wall for support because I felt like the world just spun and I was about to collapse.

Alexander was not moving at all. His chest was moving up and down slowly, his face was all battered, his body was bruising badly and cuts covered most of his skins. I felt sick down to my stomach and I was staring at him for what seemed like forever.

"Alistair..." I felt a shook on my shoulder and looked to my left to meet Rowena's swollen green eyes. She must had been crying, but I didn't even see or heard her. I was such in a shock and lost in my own thoughts.
"Hmh?" I replied with a hoarse voice, eyes still fixed on my son.
"The doctor would like to speak to you," she said hoarsely.
I nodded and forced myself to walk closer towards my son's bed. A man with silver hair in a white coat was examining my son and was writing on the board he had in his hand.

"Mr. Hammond?" He asked and extended his hand.
"Yes," I said while shaking his hand.
"Your son has 7 broken ribs, a broken arm and a broken leg. Luckily, the broken ribs didn't puncture his vital organs, so according to the X-Ray and USG, his vitals are seemed to be fine. From the MRI result, he has no concussion nor bleeding inside his head, so that's a good news as well. Now... he has lost a lot of blood; therefore, we would need a blood transfussion. Due to his rare blood type - AB negative, we don't have any supply in this hospital and we haven't found any matching donors either, which might caused a problem," he sighed and shook his head.
"I have the same blood type with him. Take as much as you need. All I care about is my son's life and recovery," I replied to him.
"Very well, sir. If you'd please go with the nurse to get prepared."
I nodded and followed the nurse to a separate room.


During the donation process, Rowena stepped into the room and took a seat next to me. She smiled tiredly and said,
"He's going to be alright, Alistair."
"I.... It's all my fault...." I whispered to her.
"No, it's not. You can't blame yourself for what happened."
I finally looked at Rowena and smiled sadly, "On the contrary, my dear... I'm the only one responsible for this accident. You see... Earlier today, Alex and I argued in the greenhouse before he left. I said some hurtful things to him, the truth... but...." I stopped and felt tears dropped to my cheeks.
Rowena took my hand and shook her head, "You can't blame yourself. Family fights... that's how it is. He's going to be alright. We need to stay strong for him. Okay?"
"I wish this nightmare would just end..." was the only reply I could give her.


Hey guys, as promised... a new chapter for you. Don't forget to vote this chapter and the older ones (if you like it). Comments and feedbacks are welcomed. I'll publish the next chapter tomorrow! Xoxoxo

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