Chapter - 7

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The plot of the story is purely fictitious, any similarity to the reality is purely coincidental.

Set me as your goal ge...

The words echoed in his mind like a catchy song on repeat. Although Wang YiBo's comment was meant in a lighthearted way, Xiao Zhan couldn't shake it off.

He listened to YiBo's melodious voice and impressive rapping on QQ music. Xiao Zhan couldn't help but wonder about YiBo's incredible talent.

That night, sleep eluded Xiao Zhan. He couldn't stop thinking about someone three years younger than him who seemed to have a deep understanding of life. However, he also noticed how easily YiBo was influenced and manipulated by others, even his fellow trainer who distracted him when YiBo wanted to exercise more.

Xiao Zhan realized that if people who didn't even know YiBo could manipulate him so easily, what about those who knew him well? He worried about the extent to which YiBo might be influenced by others in his life.

Xiao Zhan saw YiBo's interviews that night. What he thought was cocky earlier, he found it as a form of self-protection now. He watched the interviewer asking questions about his personal life, and YiBo ignored it. He went through all the comments. He saw people slander YiBo; he saw them splashing red paint over him when he sang on stage, and that boy – who was only seventeen at that time – ignored it and still sang. His persistence.

He viewed the live video – which was posted on Youko now. Oh, he was eighteen at that time, and he rose to fame. It was also the year when his grandmother would tell stories about that boy. All those obnoxious comments saying YiBo was just an 18th line artist, talking about his private parts. YiBo didn't even look at the camera during the live video. His endurance.

The recent video of how people from the other team celebrated seeing YiBo got into an accident in the motorcycle race. The other person overtook at a curve and wrecked YiBo's bike, even when YiBo distanced himself to avoid the accident. Some people even commented that YiBo faked his accident to come up in hot search. But YiBo was silent. He calmly asked his fans not to scold others on his behalf, and he even stated that he was just unlucky that he crashed. He didn't blame the other person, even when everyone knew whose fault it was. His humility.

Unknowingly, tears welled up in his eyes. He felt an overwhelming urge to defend YiBo and confront those who slandered him. He wanted to be there for him, to shield him from the hurtful words.

But he was just a fitness trainer. How could he protect someone as famous and bright as YiBo? From his earthly vantage point, he felt so small compared to the shining star.

Determined to do something, he decided to create a burner account, just like Zheng Lei had taught him. Zheng Lei scolded him for using his real name on Zhihu when asking questions, so he learned to use an alias. He chose the name "recyclingmill" and created similar burner accounts on Weibo. He already had a personal account, @XiaoZhan1005, linked to his phone number.

So he decided to create some burner accounts on Weibo to protect his identity. He logged in through WeChat and named one account @Motorgege85. Another account was created using QQ, and he named it @wangtiantianstrawberry, as he noticed fans calling YiBo as TianTian, and he found YiBo sweet.

For his third burner account, he registered a new QQ account and logged in to Weibo with it. He named this account @rulesofhisworld, inspired by Wang YiBo's single. Lastly, he used his laptop, the one Tang Jia had bought him to watch films, to log in to Weibo and create the fourth account, @yibomygoal.

If someone had told him two years ago that he would create burner accounts to support a star, he would've laughed. But now, he felt like he was getting closer to YiBo by doing this.

To Be A Star - ZhanYiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن