Chapter 29 ** Going Back

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Ayesha smelled something delicious from the kitchen. She smiled as she leaned back on her seat. She was sewing a beautiful doll gown while Marlon is in front of her reading. They were in the garden grasping that hungering smell of Jerson’s cooking.

“Can you sense that?” Marlon said as he slowly put down the newspaper and smiled. She nodded. Marlon stood and reach for Ayesha’s hand inviting her to stand as well.

“Food is ready!” they heard Jerson called out as he peaked from the kitchen door.

They settled down in the dining room as Jerson placed their meal. It’s a beef strips cooked with veggies. “Shall we?” he said and they started to get food.

“You are just the best cook ever.” Ayesha complimented.

“This is her favorite.” Jerson plainly said and the table was filled with silence.

After a long while they heard the front door cracked open. Jerson who is parallel to the dining room door leaned backward to see who came in. His eyebrows met. He swallowed hard. Tears started to flood on his eye without saying anything.

“Are there still room for two?” They heard from a very familiar voice. A voice which they thought they would never hear again.

Jerson straightly stood from his seat and threw his arms around Haleya. They both sobbed as they hugged each other tightly.

“I missed you bro.” she said with a broken voice.

“God knows how we missed you sis. Argh! I thought I could never hug you again.” He mumbled under his breath.

Marlon came close and smiled at her. She smiled with tears in her eyes.

“Dad!” She cried as she ran to hug him.

“I’m sorry baby. I’m sorry.”

“Ssshh. There’s nothing to say sorry for, dad.”

“I know you’re alive. I just can feel it.” Haleya heard her mother sobbing. She went to give her a warm hug.

“Welcome home, baby.”

They were hugging each other as one happy family while sobbing with happiness when someone cleared his throat at the back.

“Oh! I almost forgot, Dad, this is Aldrich, from Zevadia.” She introduced.

Aldrich smiled as he saw Marlon reached for a handshake. He immediately shook his hand and said, “Hi dad. Nice to finally meet you.”

Ayesha widened her eyes. Jerson dropped his jaw and Marlon smiled proudly as he handshake with him. Haleya elbowed him on his left and he coughed pretentiously.

“I mean, Mr. Regan.” He grinned. Marlon scratched his forehead.

“Good to see you again, Aldrich. But why are you also here?” Ayesha asked.

“He’ll be my guard. They are not convinced in Zevadia that I’m coming back, so they let Aldrich come with me to make sure.” She laughed.

Haleya and Aldrich rested after lunch.

She felt her head aching when she tried to open her eyes. Things were blurry at first but when she finally cleared her vision she smiled as she once again wandered her eyes around her room. She missed this. She missed waking up every single day inside her beautiful room, on her bed and in this house. She missed everything in this world. Tennessee High. Her wild, loud and annoying friends. She missed riding with Jerson.

Haleya couldn’t kept from smiling as she think of the things she could do while staying here. She was on the process of planning in her mind the whole schedule of the things she’s about to do when her eyes realized the disturbing light struck on her window.

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