06 | the street

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"I was waiting for the perfect one but you became the perfect one for me

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"I was waiting for the perfect one but you became the perfect one for me. You've taken over all of me and I love the way that you make me feel."

𑁋 Hwasa (ft. esNa), 'Call Me'

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It was that time of year where the streets were lit up with vendors, music, and just pure liveliness. Perhaps it was one of Hyejin's favourite times of the year that she'd use to her advantage by spending the whole evening doing nothing but exploring down the streets of her hometown of Jeonju with just the presence of herself. Plus, it was two more days until she'd have to go down to Seoul, and she wanted to spend her time wisely.

Hyejin places her hands in the pocket of her cardigan as she slowly strolls down the street with the coolness of the evening relieving her from any stress. It 's a beautiful night, she could definitely say, and watching the streets to come to life made the experience a million times more peaceful, even though it was quite noisy being surrounded by people. She's done this merely every year, and this time, there was a slight itching feeling that there was something different, but she couldn't exactly point it out.

The smell of fresh tteokbokki and other street foods fill Hyejin's nostrils as she walks pass a variety of vendors and live cooking occurring in front of her face. It was quite impossible for her to fully settle on one place to go to; she just has the urge to try all of it if she could.

However, after what felt like hours of walking, Hyejin finally arrives at a place she was all too familiar with. It was a small vendor of dakkochi, or chicken skewers, and the woman who ran it had been a close family friend of Hyejin's whom she grew closer with each year.

"Narae-unnie!" Hyejin exclaims as she approaches the vendor, greeting with a sincere smile.

An older woman picks her head up, face immediately sprouting with a smile as she finishes handing the people in front of Hyejin their food.

"Ahn Hyejin! I knew I'd see you here again this year." Narae exclaims as it was Hyejin's turn to be in the front. Luckily, there was no one else behind her.

Hyejin leans an elbow on the small counter in front of her, sighing softly, "When have I ever skipped a year, unnie?"

"Aish, stop flattering me. Do you want some fresh dakkochi or not?" Narae holds out a stick of chicken towards Hyejin, its alluring smell flowing towards her nostrils; it was definitely hard to resist street food.

Hyejin just chuckles and grabs ahold of the stick in her hands, making her way to the side to allow for people to pass her as the older woman flips a sign around above stating, 'ON BREAK' before moving out of the way to stand next to Hyejin. Both of them were overlooking the crowd of people pushing past one another.

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