Chapter 6: What is Your Center?

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~~Ace's POV~~
We made it to the Pole and to say the least, I won. Jack came in a few minutes after me.
"You're pretty fast for a girl" he says playfully. Except I didn't take it playfully. For a girl? Is he joking? Does he really think that I would be slower because I'm a girl?
"What do you mean 'for a girl'?" I ask suspiciously. Jack's face quickly changed from joy to regret.
"No no no. That's not what I meant! What I was saying was-"
"Ace!" Tooth came around the corner and interrupted Jack.
"North needs you in his office. He wants to talk to you. He's already spoken to Isaac and Marcus. He would to see you next"
"I'll be right there. It's okay Jack. I know what you meant" I say before walking to North's office.

I knock on the door.
"Come in!" I here him say loudly. I enter and North is rearranging things on a shelf.
"Ah you're back! Okie dokie now let's get to business." He says joyfully before I here the door slam shut and lock behind me. I look back to see I was right, there is no way out other than the window on the far back wall. North cracks his knuckles and walks towards me. His face shows no kindness nor happiness whatsoever. I raise my scythe and prepare to fight. I'm about to swing when he stops and smiles. What is happening? I think, not letting my scythe down.
"Good job Ace!" He says throwing his arms out. He sits on a chair behind his desk and kicks over a small stool for me. I have never been so confused in my life.
"That was very good. Cookie?" He offers.
"Oh uh no thank you." He takes a chocolate chip cookie off the platter.
"Do you mind explaining what just happened?" I ask.
"Oh yes! So sorry. I forgot about that." He laughs. I chuckle awkwardly, still waiting for an answer.
"You see, Ace, when I found out you were going to be a guardian, I was a little worried. I feared that since you were the little sister of 3 very powerful seasons, you would expect them to protect you. While we waited for your arrival, I thought of a way to test you. You know, to make sure you're not as weak and fragile I thought you would be. Of course, you proved me wrong way before I even started testing you. I don't think you understand this, but for Bunny to admit to a story like yours, he had to know that that person is very skilled and deserves to be recognized as so. After that, I didn't doubt you as much. That's why, when Marcus had his little fit, I didn't react right away. I wanted to see how you would handle the situation. Beforehand, I thought you were going to stay silent and let someone more qualified to deal with it. I wasn't expecting you to stand up to him like that and react the way you did." I was so confused. Why is he telling me this? He continued with his story.
"I was certain you were better than I thought at this point, but I wanted to make sure one last time. When you came in, I appeared intimidating and scary to see how you react to the unexpected aggression. You preformed wonderfully! You knew I would never hurt you, yet you were still ready to fight me if needed. I'm proud! Ace, I can see that you are ready to be the best that you can be and if that means outstanding your brothers, you will out-stand them. I have seen the way your eyes light up when they see something new. I can see that you have many secrets and hidden abilities."
He leans over the desk and puts a hand on my shoulder.
"May I ask, what do you revolve around? What makes you Ace Fall? How will people remember your name? What is your center?" He finally asks me. I take in a deep breath. I look straight into his eyes. I know he's trying to make me realize something, but I'm not sure what yet.
"I don't know" is all I can muster at the moment. I already know this is going to take a while to figure out. But I will have to, eventually.
"You don't need to worry about that though. Jack took ages to find his center and who knows? Maybe you'll find yours sooner than later?" I give him a slight nod. There's silence for a moment before we hear ruckus happening outside. North rises from his desk and unlocks the door. We leave his office and head towards the noise. I think as North guides me through the maze of a workshop. What IS my center?

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