Chapter 2: The Pick-Up

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                       ~~Tooth's POV~~
I was sent out seeking for Isaac Bright. He seemed pretty handsome in the light. Everyone thinks I like Jack, but I might just happen to crush on his twin... Tooth, calm yourself! You haven't even met him yet! I made it to London, England hoping to find Isaac, the air was warm, the lawns were covered in the greenest of grass, and even thought it was nighttime, I could tell there would be children playing everywhere at the break of dawn. I was so amazed by the scenery, I didn't even notice the blond haired boy sneak up behind me.
"Boo" I jumped and turned around to see beautiful brown eyes staring right into mine. His face was so close... and his teeth! Oh my his teeth were gorgeous! They were so bright, the sun would be too shy to show itself, knowing it couldn't shine half as bright.
"Umm helloooo?" He said, his voice so dreamy it could put me to sleep in a second. I fell out of my daze and responded,
"Oh hi! I'm the Tooth fairy! Nice to meet you!" I put my hand out for a hand shake. He took it and said,
"I'm Isaac Bright, spirit of summer. What brings a guardian like you to come talk to me?" I looked at him in the eye with a smile and explained that we needed him at the North Pole.
"North Pole?! My goodness, this must be important! Alright then, take me to the North Pole." He said puffing out his chest. Okay, so I met him... I can like him now right? Okay, alright, I like him. I thought as I grabbed his hand and started flying to the Pole.

~~Sandy's POV~~
I was assigned Marcus Bloom, wich I am very grateful for. We've met Marcus, obviously Jack hasn't, but the others have. I'm glad I got Marcus because he understands me a little bit, not lots, but probably more than anyone else. He likes to talk to me even though it's a bit hard to communicate. I taught him sign language when we last saw him, so I'm hoping he remembers. Marcus is a pretty good guy, he's very mature for his age, frankly the complete opposite of Jack. I wonder what the other 2 seasons will be like, we haven't met them yet. I landed in Texas, United States and instantly spotted him. He wore his regular purple shirt and green pants, his brown hair flowing in the wind, his light green eyes focused on a group of kids playing in a tree, probably a tree he made . I walked over and pulled on his pant leg, he looked down and a smile appeared on his face.
"Sandy! How's it going? I heard you defeated Pitch a few years ago? That's great! Has it really been a century since I've seen you? You haven't aged a single bit!" I signed to him the North Pole and how he needed to come with me back, he immediately understood. I made a cloud for us both and we hopped on. We talked about what's been happening over the last century on our way, I didn't want to spill anything about Jack, so I mostly let him talk. This was way easier than I thought. I thought myself.

~~Bunny's POV~~
I got Ace Fall, the spirit of automne. I opened up a tunnel to Alberta, Canada. I was quite excited to meet her, I mean a new guardian, always exciting, but I felt like she was  different. I really wanted to know who she would be more like, Marcus or Jack? I kind of hoped Marcus, just because he was practical and responsible. Although, as much as I hate to admit it, I mostly wanted her to be like Jack. I have to say, things would be pretty boring without him. I got to her location and jumped out of my tunnels. It was the middle of winter, but I could tell where she was because it was getting warmer the closer I got to her. I walked around, and looked everywhere, but I couldn't find her. I assume the darkness of the night didn't help either. I felt a few leaves fall on my shoulder. That's when I looked up to see Ace flying in mid air above the trees. She seemed to be looking at something in the distance. There were orange and yellow leaves surrounding her. She looked down at me for a second and immediately fell to the floor, well actually, she fell into a tree. I watched her hit probably every branch in the tree before hitting the ground with a thud. I walked over cautiously reaching out to help, but when she saw me her eyes went wide as she stood up, scythe raised. Okay, so she's actually really scary, even for being the youngest spirit ever to exist. My thought was interrupted by a small shuffling sound. I could see Ace slowly backing away, as if she were leaving. I can't let her go. North would kill me.
   "Where do you think you're going?" I take a step closer to her. Of course she dashed off into the gloomy woods. I run after her but I quickly loose her track because of the forest. A big gust of wind hits my back and pushes me over.
   "If you want me, you have to come and get me." A female voice resonates. I don't know where it came from but as I lay on the cold dirt ground, I decide to follow the direction of the wind. I can't help but smile at the thought that she isn't coming willingly. Sounds like something Jack would do. If it's a chase she wants, it's a chase she will get.

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