Chapter 4: The Introduction

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                         ~~Jacks POV~~
We only waited about 10 minutes before Sandy came back with, I assume was Marcus. The second they landed North gave Marcus a huge hug. I waited awkwardly as I stood from my chair and anticipated the moment I got to know him. He looked exactly like he did in the green light, brown hair, mint green eyes and barefoot. He smelled like dirt and nature. He was looking at me funny, as if trying to figure out who I was, but I mean I must've been looking at him just as stupid. Eventually, he broke the silence,
"Hello, I'm Marcus Bloom, spirit of spring! You seem oddly familiar, do you mind me asking who you are?" He said very politely while giving out a hand for me to shake. I hesitated before taking it and responding,
"Hey. Um I'm Jack Frost... nice to meet you" Why am I so awkward?! I thought to myself while shaking his hand.
"Well, I fear I don't know you. Would you like to get to know each other? You do seem like a very pleasant person!" He said almost too cheerfully. I don't know if I'm going to like this guy... he seems very uptight.. Luckily, North interrupted before our conversation could go any further,
"I'm sorry Marcus, but I can't explain anything at the moment. How about we introduce each other while he wait for the others?" Marcus seemed confused, but just sat down with me and North. North and Sandy talked to Marcus while I listened. We were just waiting for Tooth and Bunny. I wonder who's gonna get here first. Bunny's pretty fast and Ace seemed pretty innocent and quiet, and I feel like she would be the one to come willingly. I hope Isaac is different, Marcus seems awfully boring...

Soon after Marcus's arrival, Tooth and Isaac arrived. Just basing on how calm Tooth was and how shiny Alex's teeth were, I got a feeling Tooth was crushing. North told Isaac to take a seat and said he'll explain everything once Bunny got back. Honestly, Isaac seemed pretty chill about this whole thing. I don't know, he just didn't really seem affected by the fact that he was in North's actual workshop. We continued introducing ourselves and getting to know each other, but I was not enjoying myself. I can't believe it. This guy's gonna be just as boring as the first. Ace is my last hope now, although I don't expect anything from her. She's the youngest spirit to ever exist and the spirit of FALL. Like what even happens in fall anyway? It gets colder? Yeah, exactly, then it's my turn right away. I'm really curious to see what she's gonna be like...

It's been 20 minutes since Isaac and Tooth arrived, and still no Bunny or Ace. Just when we were all starting to get worried, a hole in the ground opened and Bunny jumped out. Ace came flying right after him. She landed surprisingly smoothly and just stared in awe at her surroundings. Her wide eyes were mostly focused on the globe, she began to pace the room, her scythe dragging behind her. The girl was exceptionally pretty, her black hair fell down to her mid back and her eyes were so green I could have sworn she had literal emeralds for irises. She turned around to see me staring at her. We gave each other curious glances as she came to sit down with us at the table. Finally North asked what was all on our minds,
"Bunny! What took so long?" Bunny looked at him, then at Ace, then back to North.
"Well, I found this little ankle-biter flying in the forest, not thinking she could do any damage, I didn't prepare for a fight!" he said while glancing at Ace who was now sitting down at the table with everyone else. She scowled at him before she answered,
"It's not my fault I was minding my business and all of a sudden a giant kangaroo walks in."
"How many times have I told you I'm not a kangaroo?!"
"Oh please! You're offended?! You thought I couldn't put up a fight just because I'm a 14 year old girl. And look at what happened. I could have killed you multiple times during that chase, but I didn't. I could have pushed you into a trap multiple times, but I didn't. I could have done anything but you're still here to see another day. So don't even think you have the right to be offended." She finished with slight smirk on her face. Now she had everyone's attention. Bunny, losing a fight to a 14 year old girl? God he must be embarrassed. Bunny knew we all wanted to hear the story so he explained shamefully,
"She was watching something above the trees when she saw me. She fell into a tree and almost killed me" He concluded. Everyone seemed satisfied, so North started his explanation on why everyone was here. I knew mostly everything so I wasn't really paying attention. I was replaying Bunny's words in my head. I don't believe a single bit that Bunny told the whole story, but just out of what he said, this kid seems interesting. Maybe I could make this work out after all.

~~North's POV~~
"Alright! Now I assume you're all wondering why I brought you here! Well, I tell you! First of all! I would like to introduce you to the current Guardians! I am North as you may know, guardian of wonder. This is Tooth, the tooth fairy, guardian of memories. Sandy, or as you may know him, the sandman, guardian of dreams. Bunny, the Easter Bunny, guardian of hope. And finally Jack, Jack Frost, spirit of winter, guardian of fun." I explained pointing to each person as I introduced them.
"Alright, now we get down to business! I have brought you all here today because Manny has chosen a new guardian to fight the evil danger. Well actually, he chose 4 guardians, 3 new ones. Jack Frost, spirit of winter, Marcus Bloom, the sprit of spring, Isaac Bright, the spirit of summer, and finally Ace Fall, the spirit of automne. So you see, Manny has chosen the 4 seasons to be guardians!" I paused to gather their reactions and they all had shocked expressions, except Jack, obviously, and Ace. I could see her eyes were filled with questions, but she was trying to hide it and seem unfazed. Before everyone started talking, I added one more piece of information.
"Oh yes and also, you 4 are siblings if you haven't figured that out." The boys eyes went wide with the exception of Jack.                        
"Wait a second... I've got siblings?!" Marcus asked.
"I've got 2 brothers and a sister?!" Isaac exclaimed. The room filled with loud questions and excitement. Ace's curious expression quickly turned to annoyance once it started to get loud. She tried to speak but she just got interrupted. She looked like she was about to yell when a playful smirk tugged on the corners of her lips. She sank into her chair and smiled. I reconize the smirk immediately. That's Jack's famous face before he does something that he know will get him in trouble. Ace looked around the room to make sure no one was paying attention to her. She then hit her scythe against the floor and a gush of wind blew orange and yellow leaves in. They spiralled in a tornado like form on the table. She flicked her scythe so the leaves and wind escaped out the window as quickly as it had appeared. That seemed to silence everyone. Once everyone had eyes on her, she took her turn to talk.
"I want to know what he has to say." She said, pointing at Jack. He looked at her with a strange look of amusement and questioning on his face, obviously wondering why she wanted to hear him talk.
"Alright, you want to know what I have to say? Well, I think it's definitely big news, I'm super excited to get to know all of you and can't wait to start making memories with my new family."
Ace seemed pretty satisfied with that.

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