chapter 5: the marriage

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It's been approximately 2 hours since Kamiya ate all of Shrek's muscle tissues. After the event in which the both of them drowned to death because of a Tsunami, they unsurprisingly came back to life again, it seems like even death didn't want to deal with the deformed zucchini man and his deranged donkey-kissing-human 💀💀💀.

And now here they were, 2 hours later, and those 2 hours is all it took for Shrek to go down on one knee and to pull out a tiny box from his ass crack. Wait, what was inside the tiny box, you ask? Well, nothing really, just a dead fly and a few of Shrek's leftover boogers, but nothing notable. But anyways, after that, Shrek asked Kamiya if he saw his ukulele and Kamiya replied with a 'YES! YES, I'LL MARRY YOU!😭' so now, they're apparently engaged.

Kamiya didn't really care for luxury, except that he did, so the two of them had to locate Trump's secret orange factory to steal all of his bitcoin. After that, they spent millions and trillions of dollars in order to accurately recreate the setting of Kamiya's favorite movie "Step sis is stuck inside a washing machine."

Now, here they were, heads stuck inside a washing machine as the priest reads them a page of "Sheep in a Jeep." Shrek was dressed in a gorgeous strapless wedding gown he bought from Say Yes To The Dress UK while Kamiya had no clothes left, so he had to borrow Donkey's horse shoe.

"Jeep for sale - Cheap." dubbed the priest. Kamiya could feel tears well in his eyes as the smell of Downey overwhelms his lungs inside the washing machine, but he holds it in for Shrek. He's about to fart for shrek, when an unexpected visitor interrupts.

"I OBJECT!!!" said Barry The Bee, standing up from his ironing board to walk in front of Shrek and Kamiya. "State your reasons." the priest glared daggers at Barry, angry at him for interrupting his reading session of Sheep in a Jeep.

Shrek looked at him. "Why are you objecting? We don't even know each other! 🤬🤬🤬" Barry shrugged his shoulders, taking his seat on top of Kamiya's washing machine. "I don't know, when you said book, it reminded of the time I met the love of my life behind the alleyway of a shady store..."

"What? I didn't even say book-" "So there I was, totally high off of polen when.."

5 hours later, Barry finished his story about how his uncle's cousin's ex-wife's step mother's friend's dog's seventh brother's grandparent's sister apparently had eaten the body of his boyfriend's victim and how they had to be arrested for it because eating raw meat is illegal. Shrek is finally about to tell Barry off, so he can finish his wedding, but that is when Barry's lover arrives.

"Sangwoo!" Barry cooes, running in the way of his blond haired lover with big mommy issues. "Huh?" Sangwoo says, before swatting and killing Barry, thinking he was a fly. "I swear I heard someone call my name..." Sangwoo scratches his butt before leaving, Kamiya and Shrek sighing in relief as they watch the two intruders leave them to their wedding.

"So.. do you, Shrek, take Kamiya-sama as your unlawfully wedded wife?" Kamiya feels his heart pounding at the question, "N-no!" He replies in a whiny voice, genuinely terrified. "SHUT UP, BITCH!" Shrek angrily exclaims before hitting Kamiya harshly in the face. Kamiya recoils, a big bruise left in his face.

"I mean, yes!" He's forced to answer by Shrek, now shaking in his place. "Do you, Shrek, take Kamiya-sama was your personal slave?"

"Yes." Answered Shrek with utmost confidence. "Okay." Said the priest, walking away to finish his reading session of Sheep in a Jeep.

"YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!🤗" Shrek exclaimed, jumping up and down and hitting the floor with his fists. After that, him and Kamiya ate the washing machine.

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