chapter 4: the meaty pecs

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filler beach episode ! it's mandatory !

warning: vore and cursing.


Kamiya-sama and Shrek walk into the sunny beach. It's full of corpses because a Tsunami just happened. Kamiya couldn't help, but look at Shrek... He was just so alluring in his thongs. Although in the middle of the thongs is Spiderman in a maid outfit, to which Kamiya-sama assertively screamed at Shrek to take off, so he can wear thongs with Kamiya's face, Kamiya still appreciated the scandalous😳 choice of outfit.

In here, in this sunny beach, Kamiya could see his Shrexy beast of a sexy irish goddess. As opposed to the times that Shrek would only wear thongs to sleep in a dimly lit room, but even then Kamiya-sama could only focus on the way Shrek cried for hours over Chuu Chuu TV songs, deeming them 'inspirational' and 'touching.' Kamiya-sama even briefly remembers Shrek mumbling "let us learn the numbers" in his sleep, morning wood evident.

Of course, Kamiya-sama was too frightened by the animation to bother listening to Chuu Chuu TV songs, so he just took Shrek's word for it.

Now, back to the present time, Shrek was carrying a ukulele with them to the beach, telling Kamiya Juu that he had a suprise waiting for him. It wasn't much of a suprise, really. Anyone could guess what Shrek was about to do with ukulele, it's just common sense.

They sat on the sand, Kamiya-sama shivering at the grainy feeling of sand beneath his bum, to the point that he had a seizure and someone had to give him CPR. He's fine now when they try sitting on the sand again, this time on top of a corpse, presumably one of a seven-year-old girl's. It was a tight seat, but they had to work with that they could. Shrek placed the ukulele between the two of them, staring intensely at the soles of Kamiya's foot, almost about to lose control and bite it before Kamiya smacks his face with the little girl's dead, cold hand.

Shrek began approaching the ukulele with his hand, and so did Kamiya. They touch hands by accident and both pull away, blushing. Kamiya-sama looks at Shrek, nodding, and Shrek nods back to him.

Slowly, they start shoving the ukulele into their mouths. Kamiya from the headstock and Shrek, being the ballsy ogre he is, from the body. Kamiya gags around the thick head of the ukulele, trying his best to swallow it whole. He's crying, his throat bloodied and ripped in half, but he endures through it. After all, people should be thankful for the food they are given, especially when the food comes from Shrek.

Shrek's practically ravishing half of the ukulele's body, greedy and starving in the way he speeds up his digestive system in order to consume as much as he can. He probably eats 90% of the ukulele before Kamiya cries in frustration. "YOU DIDN'T EVEN LEAVE ME ANY STRINGS!!! >:'((" He shouted at Shrek's face with the volume of an elephant.

Shrek apologizes to Kamiya, guilt evident in his eyes. He lights up though once he has a bright idea. "I know you won't forgive me, but here..." He turns to his side, gesturing to his arm. Kamiya drools over Shrek's meaty pecs when he stops himself and regains his composure.

"A-are you sure?👉👈" Shrek only nods, embarassed as well. He can't believe him and Kamiya are already taking such a big leap in their relationship. Kamiya carefully approached Shrek's pec, licking his lips, unable to contain his lustful expression.

Shrek can only groan as Kamiya bites off a huge chunk of his arm, his head immediately going to grip at Kamiya's hair. "Stop fucking pulling my hair, bechh!!" Kamiya scolds shrek. "I'm sorry, I can't help myself baby boy, it's just that..."

"I don't have any hair." Shrek confesses. Kamiya nods in understanding and proceeds to eat Shrek, blood and chunks of meat falling on top of the little girl's poor corpse.

Once Shrek is only a set of bones, him and Kamiya go swimming, but the Tsunami came back and killed both of them.

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