The Courthouse

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"We are all still in shock since we heard the news. I'm Rachel Powell, Judge Wilson's assistant. Whatever you need to find out who did this, please let me know." A middle aged woman dabbed her eyes with a Kleenex as she led Jay, Kim and Hailey to the Judge's office. "These are her active files. She was actually looking to retire in the next 6 months so she was slowly dropping her caseload. It's so sad she will never get to enjoy her retirement."

"Can you recall anyone who stood out that Judge Wilson has put away over the years? Anyone who may have been released recently?" Jay asked before sitting down and opening the top file.

"Not that I can think of off the top of my head. I've been with Judge Wilson for the past 10 years. Most people found her firm but fair." The assistant sighed and sat across from Jay clearly distraught. "I'm afraid you can't take any files out of the courthouse but you are free to look through them here. If you tell me what to look for I would be happy to help."

"Thank you very much but we don't always know what we are looking for until we find it. Can you tell us any more about her personal life? We know she was divorced but was she seeing anyone? How is her relationship with her ex-husband and children?" Hailey sat next to the woman and passed her the Kleenex box from the desk.
"She wasn't dating anyone, she was very focused on her career. That's a big part as to why she and her husband split after all those years. She would spend hours in her office after hours going through evidence of cases to make sure she was getting all the facts before she would make a decision. Her husband decided to move on and find someone who was home for more than just to sleep. Still, they remained friendly even after the divorce."

"What about her children? What are they like?" Hailey pressed while Jay and Kim continued to work through the active files.

"Jenna is a doll, she lives in Los Angeles now. She's married and has two small children. She visits every few months. Ryan never comes to visit as far as I know. He lives in New York and seemed a bit lost for a long time from what Judge Wilson said. She didn't really talk about him much, she didn't really talk much about her personal life." Rachel explained dabbing her eyes again.

"You have been very helpful. Thank you, Rachel. You don't need to stay with us, we'll go through the files and come get you if we need anything." Hailey shook Rachel's hand and guided her out the door.

"So, I've been doing a quick background check on each of the active files specifically looking at someone with military training. I figured that will help weed out most of the bunch. There is no doubt this guy is military, SWAT or a professional hitman so that should narrow it down." Jay told Hailey when the door shut behind the assistant.

"I'm impressed." Hailey replied with a wink.

"You should be. It's a rare thing for rugged good looks and intelligence." Jay smirked back. Hailey shook her head with a laugh and started to check through the desk drawers.

"And modest too." Kim raised her eyebrow at him before turning back to the judges computer.

Several hours later Jay stood up and stretched. He shook his head, there was no one in the pile of files that appeared to make the kind of person capable of the shot that had been pulled off.

"I'm getting nothing, you? I've checked her files, calendar and emails." Kim leaned back and rubbed her eyes as she asked. Hailey shook her head.

"I've got nothing." Jay acknowledged. "I think we should check in with Voight and see if there's been any news."

Hailey took out her cell and dialed Voights number, putting the phone on speaker. "Sarg, we've gone through all the current cases and nothing is popping. Emails, calendar and files from her computer, nothing. Any progress on your end?"

"Nothing so far, we're trying to dig into the family and their financials but so far everything is clean. You might as well come back here if you aren't getting anything there. You can check for recent releases." Voight advised, walking through the bullpen back to his office where Deputy Miller was waiting.

Hailey hung up the phone and the three packed up their laptops and tidied the files on the desk. They walked out of the courthouse after saying goodbye to Rachel into the bright afternoon sunlight.

"We are definitely missing something." Jay bit his lip as they started to make their way across the parking lot towards his truck. Suddenly shots ripped through the air and there was a scream behind them. They all dropped the laptop bags and grabbed their guns as they moved to assess the scene. Only twenty feet from them a woman dropped with blood blossoming on her white blouse. Jay quickly followed the estimated direction of the shot and saw a person duck down from the roof of the building across the street.

"He's up there!" Jay pointed. "Burgess, manage the scene, get an ambulance and backup."

Jay and Hailey took off running towards the building as Kim got on her radio to call for help as a bystander started to put pressure on the woman's wound.

"Go in the front, I'll head around to the back." Jay slipped around the side of the building as Hailey disappeared inside. Jay froze as he heard noise on the fire escape. He tucked himself behind the garbage dumpster and peeked around. A man jumped from the ladder and Jay stepped out

"FREEZE! Chicago PD!!" Jay shouted. The sniper didn't even turn to look at him but started to run away, gun case slung across his back. Jay took off after him, radioing as he ran. They ran through the alley and Jay lost sight of the sniper for a brief second as he turned the corner of the next building. He slowed to peer around the corner but the sniper grabbed his gun arm and slammed it repeatedly into the brick wall of the building. Jay dropped his gun but swung his left fist at the offender's face. Back and forth they fought on equal grounds blocking as much as they hit. They clearly had similar training and seemed to be fighting their own shadow. Fists, knees and elbows flew in chaotic poetry. Jay finally got a solid shot in the man's face and he responded and kneed Jay in the abdomen. Pain rocketed through Jay and he gasped in surprise. The shooter took the slight delay to hook Jay right in the temple. Jay saw everything in his vision start to spin as he fell to his hands and knees.

"These women should be home, raising their families, not worrying about climbing ladders and getting in the press. They should be raising their own children and not pay to have strangers do it for them. They are getting what they deserve." The shooter spat out and kicked Jay hard in the abdomen several times. Jay dropped the rest of the way to the ground. The sniper leaned down to pick up his gun case and took off at a sprint. Hailey came out the back door of the building, gun drawn.

"JAY! Are you alright?" She knelt beside him. His vision was still spinning but the pain in his abdomen was more concerning. He felt like a fire was burning in him making him want to vomit. He had managed to force himself to his knees with one arm across his abdomen. Hailey grabbed his gun and passed it to him to put back in the holster.

"I'm ok." Jay closed his eyes and took several breaths. He forced himself to his feet, holding the wall of the building to steady himself. Hailey pulled his arm across her shoulders and they cautiously headed back to the courthouse parking lot. Police cars and an ambulance were pulling up.

Voight and Miller were sitting in his office waiting for updates. Voights phone rang and he reached to turn on the speaker.

"Sarg, we're at the courthouse. There was another shooting, a female prosecutor. She's on her way to med. Jay got into an altercation with the shooter but he escaped. I'm going to stay here but Hailey and Jay are on their way back." Kim quickly updated as Hailey helped Jay into the passenger seat of his truck. 

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