chapter one: living In The Abiss

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In the cold, dark, and damp room, I sat. My pale skin glowed from the low moonlight coming from a one-inch notch that ran along the top of the wall. I looked around at my surroundings and sighed, knowing I'm still within this claustrophobic crude cave cell. "Nirvana," I lamented sarcastically. "Absolutely paradise," I softly concluded. I brought my legs up to my chest and rested my head down upon them. Holes in my dark black jean's, knees and thighs, plainly showed my pale skin.

With my head rested on my knees I started trying to reminisce some of my favorite songs to lessen the boredom. "With our backs to the wall, darkness will fall I never quite thought we could lose it all. Ready aim fire, ready aim fire. An empire falls in just one day. We close our eyes, and the glory fades. Ready aim fire, ready aim fire away", I sang in my softest voice. One of my favorite Imagine Dragons songs the lyric seemed appropriate for the current occasion.

I heard footsteps, then grunting laughter. I stopped my lonely little concert in my head, and put my harsh and impromptu plan into action. I had seen it successfully done in many movies. I figured the bearers of the laughter would soon be upon me. I mean the bastards starved me for a week and a half. I knew they would come to get me in this malnourished weakened state, but they also didn't want me dead, not yet. They were too cruel. Plus, they had been trying to catch up with me for a while, and now I was caught in their web, helpless.

The laughter was so close, it made me mad then it made me furious. I Noticed my teeth were grinding and decided to go back to the plan. I relaxed my body and slumped my head down. My breathing was already slowed from my stay here. So, in reality, playing dead wasn't that hard. The laughter stopped right at my cell. I could hear their breath from where I was or was it smell it. It was hard to tell, probably because my senses had dulled days ago. My vision was nothing but blurred at this point.

They mumbled in ancient Greek then shouted: "Are you dead?". After a long pause, I heard my cell door open. Soon following there was a sharp pain in my ribs as one of the guards poked me; indeed it actually was a vicious jab (ok, he savagely stabbed me, but who, ever, knows the difference when escaping from a dungeon?). I must have been dehydrated because the spear was at least a good inch in between some ribs, but when he retracted it, there was little blood.

My eyes shot open, my heart started to race, and what happened next was a bit blurry. I might have grabbed the spear, and then stabbed the attacker in the neck with it. Then quickly bit into his throat before he had time enough to scream, or draw his sword, and proceeded to drink his blood, but as you know my sense was off, so it went more like me grabbing the spear and missing him completely. Then he reached for his sword, but he really never drew it. Because I kind of bit the arm he was pulling it with. The blood rushing into my mouth was almost too good to bear. I drunk as much and as fast as I could; the blood rejuvenated my body.

My peaceful protesting of locking vampires in rocks and starving them to death or submission was abruptly put on hold as he shook me off and proceeded to kick me in my chest so hard the breath and I'm pretty sure soul was kicked straight out of me. I crumpled, ten feet away from my original point; nonetheless, I collapsed on the ground. My head was spinning from the rush of energy, and my vision was jumping in and out of comprehension.

I heard a clang right beside my head as a sword sputtered to the ground. Had I taken it in the Commotion: I really wasn't sure, but it seemed that was what happened. When my vision had finally started to come into focus, I could see the guard picking up his spear, which had conveniently bounced off a cell bar and landed right beside his feet, with his bloodied arm. He was dressed in Spartan armor. No, like really, like the type you'd see in a history book except it was made out of fabric; I think Kevlar, maybe. It was spray-painted to look bronze He had a shield up and ready. I then realize my head wasn't spinning. There was two of them. I had forgotten; or more so, wished there wasn't another.

I said a few words of encouragement under my breath. Well, I swore loudly but, I was terrific at keeping my composure. Because, I calmly stood up, picked up the sword I nicely borrowed, faced my opponents, and turn around running in a dignified manner. That meant screaming and even running into the cells occasionally.

Man, I must have been going pretty fast because those guards seemed to disappear. I could hear their angered screaming and swearing, and it was getting more and more distant. I ducked through a corridor of the dungeon, and a familiar smell hit me like a ton of bricks. I ran to it or ran into it. The tiny details like that really don't matter when escaping from a dungeon. It was a metal reinforced door, and I ran into face first, bloodying my nose, but luckily it wasn't locked. I snatched it open and bolted through it just in Time.

The guards must have been on my tail the whole time giving my encouragement with the tip of their spears, because; my back now stung in random spots, and I could feel the blood running down my lower back and legs. I quickly closed, locked, and secured the door. I turned around and saw a familiar face. It was the origin smell I had been chasing in the form of a frail, teen kid, with really emo red hair.

The position he was in was pretty emo also. He was chained up hanging from the high ceiling. The chains that were bound to him were not by fastened to his limbs by leather straps, but by metal rods piercing through his arms and legs. I gasp at my friend's predicament. He had come here with me perfectly fine, he was kicking, spitting, swearing, struggling, fighting, and just causing all types of ruckus. I shook the notion of that being the reason why he was here restrained.

"SCCCCCCEEEEEEEEECHHHH," I turned towards the sharp sound and what I saw next made me think about taking my chance with the two guards outside the door.

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