Chapter Two: Thirst

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When I turned around my sword got heavy in my hand and my arm slumped to my side. Every ounce of my being was telling me to run for the door. I backed up, hitting the hanging boy. He let out a soft breath of pain. I was reassured he was still alive. I knew I couldn't run for the door; because, an ally needed me. Also if i ran for the door I'd be cut down by a gigantic ten foot tall cyclops with a sword the size of me.

I was pretty sure the big guy would kill me before I could get the last lock undone. I shook away all cowardly notions of escape, finally. "You don't look so good, you're not dying on me until I order it", I said to my hanging friend. Keeping him alive was easier said then done. He needed blood fast. Mine was no good to him, and I didn't think the killer cyclops would kindly donate some.

He stood around ten feet tall. He was mostly nude besides the loin cloth, with steel plates hanging off them, dangling from his waist. His skin was a sickly greenish pale, and it made me wonder who needed blood more, The kid or him. His skin was rough, scared, ashy, and knotted. He only had a single eye in the middle of his forehead and no hair what so ever. His teeth were chipped, sharp, yellow, and didn't fit in his mouth at all. Probably because he didn't have lips. He had his bloodied sword just skimming the ground to his side.

We stared at each other for awhile sizing up our opponent. Maybe he was deciding on whether or not choking on my bones was worth it. I broke his gaze, and frantically looked around the room looking for a plan or bazooka to get myself out of this sticky situation. There were a few metal tables decorated with tied down and mutilated beyond recognition bodies. Some still had the tools of their death still poking inside of them. The tables would make it hard for my new buddy to maneuver in the room.

Well, I guess I didn't calculate the gigantic lump of hulking lump of flesh kicking a table at me. Before I could think I jumped up and hurled my body at the steel table, luckily it was some what cleaned, and only a little blood stained, and tackled it with my shoulder as hard as I could. I had regained more strength then I thought because I managed to stop the metal table. It fell out the air and landed on another table that wasn't as clean. Let's just say it just say the blood stains on it doubled.

I was just as lucky as the table. I flew and landed on another table. I heard a groan of pain and realized the fella on that table had not yet crossed over. He was in a terrible state, limbless and bloodied. "Sorry, pardon me how have you been?" I asked simply not to get a response. I quickly turned around to find a gigantic sword coming my way. I lifted my lower body narrowly avoiding a surprise magic trick gone wrong. The sword narrowly missing the back of my legs.

The sword missed me but the table felt its wraith to the fullest for me, four of them to be exact. The sword easily sliced through them all, new half butchered friend included (may he now find peace), and clanged to the floor. I capitalized on the situation. I rolled backwards onto my feet on the collapsing table. I was on the very edge and knew I couldn't waste Time. The kid needed blood.

I jumped into the air before the table fell. I was flying towards the the cyclops. I stuck out m my sword and there was a blood curdling sound as it slid effortlessly into his sword arm. My body slammed into his massive arm as the monster bellowed in pain.

This plan of mine was no perfect plan. I was thrown to the ground. But I got up immediately the plan was not all completely messed up. I ran towards the gigantic cyclops. He was up and trying to pull the sword out his arm with his free hand. I jumped onto his back. He flailed attempting to throw me off. I held onto his shoulders as tight as I could. maybe I should thank my captives for my newly grown nails, that latched deeply into the flesh of the cyclops.

I sunk my nails as deep as I could into the monster. I didn't think he was smart at all but it was my luck that under these circumstances he thought of running and slamming his back with it's passenger into a wall. The air left my body, and I could feel my ribs almost give, but I held steadfast. I pulled my myself up to its neck and wrapped my arms around its wide tree trunk-like neck. I opened my mouth wide then bite down. My teeth slowly sank in the neck with ease and blood flooded into my mouth

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