Chapter three: My Love

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"She's waking up," is all I heard as my eyes started to open and come into focus. It is cold was all that I could think right before panic set in. I had no clue where I was or how I got there. I was somewhere suspended by my wrist in a dark room. The only light came from a small cluster of candles somewhere towards the back of the gigantic room. There was a door shut somewhere off to the left of me, but I had no intentions of moving to try to confirm my suspicion.

" you must be scared," said a figure in calm and collected voice, with a twisted tone thrown in as if he was a low growling rocker that turned into a fine gentleman. " you have every right to which should go to being scared," he continued " but I wish no harm. I only am here to warn you of the events that are too happen " with that said the room sparked a blaze around me. It was sudden and stopped around my feet, which were now kicking for dear life, and someone close had a scream similar to my own. "Be still young one, no harm can or will be done to you" the way he said will assure me and the kicking stopped. Well, it slowed.

I refocused and questioned in a chill mono-toned pitch alternating scream, "where am I?" The voice simply regarded the yelp as though it was wind in a storm and continued with what he was going to say. "Child this is what is to come if your life intertwines with the line of his own. The Gods don't speak highly of him, and they should try to end his vacation in an abrupt way, and my dear I'm afraid you will be caught in the middle". The fire signaled that was bad news by getting a lot hotter. It seemed that there was something strange about the fire, and I don't know if it was the gigantic dogs fighting a to the death, or the endless sleeping faces I could see in it.

The screaming chick who mimicked my voice for some reason got louder, and my legs started to do their weird dance that seemed like one that would be named the dance of terrified 17-year-old girl's legs when I noticed the faces were some of those I knew, or use to know. I think one was of an old childhood friend. "You do not want to go down this, not for the faint of heart, road. You should run away, but knowing him, he'll find you." The voice continued.

I think I put on the tough girl pants because I somehow manage to scream, "who, what, are you talking about, where am I. LET, ME...." My last sentence was cut off suddenly by the words "here he comes. Prepare for your fall." Suddenly the faces in the fire got a lot clearer, and my face got a lot hotter as the fire got closer. There was a swoosh, and I knew I was alone as my feet started to fry, and stomach started to singe. "BABE," was all I heard as my eyes shot open and a scream started to emerge from my lips. I waited to hear from the weird mimicry girl, but as seconds passed, it seemed as though she quit.

I felt strangely at ease, and I put it together. I closed my eyes, and I let myself drift into the kiss. My hand came up and found his soft hair as his found mine. This was only my second time kissing my best friend, but I had imagined it a million times, and yet again it was still a more intense experience then my brain could comprehend. He cut the ropes that fastened me above the fire, and I fell into his arms. His lips were pasty white with a tinge of blue. I was pretty sure he had lost weight, but he was still very toned chiseled. I noticed blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. He sat me down right beside the fire, and I saw a red-haired young teenager no older than 14 behind him. I heard a loud booming yell of "you lead him here" as I slowly let the darkness of sleep take over me. My eyes were closed; I drifted off to sleep.

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