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Hey sexys ;)
anyways I made this to make little announcements like 5 I believe
1.school just started for me

2.might make another danplan story but I will make it wholesome idk

3. I got algebra 1 honors :') I CAN BARELY UNDERSTAND IT WTF IS (x+3) (x-7)

4. I have discord so if you need someone or a new bestie I'll mostly be online like after school also imma also put my discord name tag tomorrow after I get back from school :3
I live in Florida so I get out of school 4;05 but get home at 5:30 bc of buses :") Disc: Star✨#7642

5. I HEARD HOSUH IS BACK :)))))))))) YES I WILL PUT THE YOUTUBE LINK HERE Yes Ik everyone got sad when there friendship ended witha fight but the awesome part is that they still upload on there own channels :)

6. Ya'll I will try and make a discord group if anyone is interested in joining I will put the link in atheist 1 and a half days

Mini Café ~ Danplan {completed :)} Where stories live. Discover now