Harrys Life at the Dursleys

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Luna was Reading the Quibbler to see if it was correct, she was Inside a Carriage. Suddenly, she heard voices, One being Familiar the others being unfamiliar. When they got close, Luna put on her Glasses and Put the Quibbler Down.

Ronald, Hermione and Harry was Sitting down with Her. Hermione saying, Angrily" Ronald, if you eat with your mouth open don't sit next to me!". Ronald replied, Just as Angrily" Fine!". Luna said, Lightly" Hello, Hermione, Ron, Harry".

Hermione replies, Politely" Hello, Luna. How was your Summer?". Luna said" It was quite Interesting. Father explained why everyone cannot see Nargals". Hermione said" Okay, Luna. Harry how's yours". Harry said,Obviously lying" It was Fun". Luna said, Lightly" Harry, do not lie to us". Harry said, admitting" Fine. Vernon and Petunia were Abusing me and Neglecting me too. They only Love Dudley because he's normal".

Ronald said" Mate, Why didn't you tell us?". Harry said" I just didn't want to worry you as I felt as if I am a Burden". At that, Harry Walked to another Carriage, by Himself.

Hermione said, Sadly" Poor, Harry". Ronald Agreed, Nodding. Harry had company. Draco, Pansy and Blaise were there. They Heard what They were Saying. "Potter, were you okay?". Said Pansy, Concerned. Harry replied" I'm fine Pansy". Luna Learned that Harry was friends with Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini.

Luna Rosella Black// A Luna Lovegood FanficWhere stories live. Discover now