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Dazai's POV

I woke up early duh I slept at like 10? no wait 11? Who cares anyways I rolled around in bed for a good hour yes I'm lazy AF.I rubbed my eyes and finally decided to get up I stretched my arm above my head and made my way to the shower after checking the time. If you're wondering why did I sleep so early in the first place 2 simple reasons, first I was tired going out all day and two I was meeting up with my uncle. He had been bugging me since ages to come meet him at the company and I kept refusing politely, but he somehow convinced me to stop by over there. I decided to go today and get it the hell over with, Chuuya didn't get up before me which could only mean he will be sleeping till noon cause I am sure that I heard him move in his bed earlier and the other two will find a way to entertain themselves after they get up.

I turned of the shower and stepped out wearing a checked shirt along with trousers and texted in our group chat (made of Chuuya, Akutagawa, Atsushi and Dazai) that I'm meeting up with my uncle today. I glanced at the clock 9:00 ah yes how I've changed waking up at the break of dawn all by myself I felt proud of myself and waved Ms. Yuri goodbye who was dressing up the other children for preschool(yes they have preschool even on Sundays the poor kids). I would have volunteered to drop them if I was Chuuya, Atsushi or Akutagawa but I'm not so it can't be helped can it?

I walked outside and called my uncle after I took a few deep breaths.
"Hello Dazai-kun it's been a while" said a voice from the other side. "Hello Mori-san I'll be heading over to the company now if you don't mind me coming of course" I replied.
"I don't mind it would be nice to chat with you" . Then I'll be there in an hour, I said considering that I was starving. I walked towards my favorite café and ordered a coffee along with a tuna sandwich , they had the most amazing sandwiches over here and I was a fan of tuna. I kept thinking about my last conversation with my uncle, he had offered me to join the company after graduation and would make me the head eventually. I sighed and walked out the café.

Atsushi's POV
I woke up to the noise downstairs I looked at the time 09:15 I yawned and dressed up after showering and brushing I made breakfast for me and Akutagawa as he had woken up too. We left the room to let Chuuya-san sleep he probably didn't catch any last night. We ate breakfast in silence and we both had our faces glued to our phone. I opened my line and texted back to Dazai-san's message as did Akutagawa.

The Fancy Four
Dazai-san: Leaving to meet Mori
Akutagawa: Ok noted.
Me: Ok enjoy don't do anything bad pls.

He left me on read as expected.
I glanced over to Akutagawa he was finishing his coffee, "so um wanna go out? " I
asked "in mid of Feb no thanks" he replied. I don't know what else was I expecting "I have something to do so I'll be heading out". He nodded, i know he is a antisocial person but dude seriously learn to hold a conversation. I thought about what I'll get Akutagawa cause his birthday is coming up on the 1st of March that's the main reason I want to go out, I wanna get him something he'll use and like. Last year he got me my favorite manga and I was so happy, over the moon happy I headed out saying bye to Ms. Yuri.

I thought about it for a long time and ended up in an antique shop, I looked around for a bit to see if anything interested me ,a small photo frame caught my eye.

It looked nice elegant but at the same time delicate just like Akutagawa, it would be perfect for his new room.

Simultaneously happening

Akutagawa's POV
Jinko just left ,I don't know where he had to go but I didn't want to ask and have him lie to me, it was obvious he didn't want me to know. I wandered around the house looking for something to do, I walked into the kitchen do find something to do. I saw Ms. Yuri there, "I'll give you a hand" I said, she chuckled in response and added" I don't need my kitchen burning down just cause you're bored". I felt offended the last thing I burnt was cereal and that was two years ago (he set the pack on fire by accident and Chuuya had to extinguish it with water).

I walked out of the room in anger, it had been almost two hours now that I was reading books and by 'reading books' I meant I was re-reading the manga Akame ga kill, it's not my favorite but I like how dark it is, I had just taken a shower and picked up the book from where I left it off. I heard my phone ring on the coffee table in the living room, I answered seeing it was jinko. "Hello, Akutagawa me and Atsushi are heading to the new house ,you coming? We'll pick you up", it was Dazai-san's voice "sure" I said since I was bored I kept the book back on the shelf and slowly slipped out of the room to make sure Chuuya-san doesn't wake up. I walked to the location after informing Ms. Yuri about the still sleeping Chuuya-san, I waited for a few minutes until I saw a yellow cab pull over.

I stepped in and sat next to Jinko, the driver already seemed to know where to go. We spoke until we arrived at the house and got off. We entered the house and immediately began work. We measured every wall and took down the measurements on a notepad left there (Chuuya-san's idea). We then measured the ground and noted all other things like where the sockets will fit, the wiring and plumbing. We were finally done and decided to go home at around 2:00 we were starving ready to attack the food the second we entered.

Chuuya's POV
I woke up after seeing the time I showered and then peeped in the kitchen to see Ms. Yuri there. None of the three were to be seen so I checked my phone and read the messages.

The Fancy Four
Mackarel: Leaving to meet Mori
Aku: Ok noted.
Sushi: Ok enjoy don't do anything bad pls.
Sushi: We are going to the house for measurements and stuff will be back for lunch.
Me: Alright, you guys could have woken me up you know didn't have to go all by yourselves.
*sushi is typing.... *
Sushi: You barely sleep in we didn't wanna disturb you.
Me: Fine whatever.

Author's note: Sorry for the late update I had tests everyday last week and today was the last, I tried to make up with a long chapter.

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