Chapter: Dadu and Business

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"Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.

-Franz Kafka"

Nandini's P.O.V.

Manik and I reached the Malhotra Mansion after a ride of one hour. We have reached reality, cause the world we lived in was just our escape from the world.

Heading towards the door, Manik rang the bell and waited for the butler to open it.

When we came inside, Dadi and Dadu were waiting for them in the Hall. He came and greeted both, and royally ignored his parents. I first went to Nyonika Maa and Raj dad. Then I went to Dadi and hugged her...

I came in front of Dadu and was about to touch his feet when he removed his feet. I felt hurt but then smiled. "Good Morning, Dadu," I said confidently trying to hide my perturbation.

Dadu didn't say anything and started talking with Manik, "Manik, didn't you tell her that I don't like when girls come in front of me without a veil." I cringed my eyebrows at this, I mean how can Dadu be like this? He is from London and even in India people don't do things like this, then how can he be this way?

I sat beside Nyonika mom, not knowing what to do? I don't want him to answer Dadu from my side but I would feel good if he explains that I was just greeting him. Covering the head is not my thing but I have settled where he can't see me.

I notice Manik and he was trying to control his laugh, I wonder why?

"How has he been? Being a mother too I don't know what goes on in his life. You could tell me only if you want." Maa's voice made me come out of the trance. I smiled at her, I don't know why Manik doesn't talk to them.

"He has been good, he is a bit mean, and sometimes a bit cruel too but it's fine. I can deal with him." Answering her I turned to him, but only to get his glare. Wait, this is not for me, I look beside me to see him Glaring at mom and she is blank. I mean she should be hurt, but there was nothing on her face like she doesn't care if he is angry

"Dadi, Dadu, Nandini come we will go out for Lunch. After so many days Dadu is with us, and I want to spend time with him and Darling" and I pouted then and there. He doesn't want to spend time with me.

"So Manu, you don't want to spend time with your wife." Dadi you have my heart, she easily read what I wanted to ask. Mr Megalomaniac Malhotra, get ready to face the bold and fierce Nandini, again.

"Of course, Dadi why would he want to spend time with me." Now, this is going to be fun. "My dear Mr M, you please go with Dadu and Dadi. I will enjoy myself here with Mom and Dad." He was looking so shocked like, what the hell happened?

I had a hard time controlling my laugh.

Dadu was also there so I thought not to make fun of his Grandson, I don't know how he will react.

"Dadu, if you want then only I will accompany you all. If you want you can have some time with your grandson." Yes, I wanted to go with them, rather than being here with his parents. I think something is wrong with them, they are zoned out somewhere.

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