What more?

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I never knew that my heart will be able to jump out of my chest just by looking at someone. And I never suspected that someone to be her. She is so gorgeous, so pure, so full of life. Nandini, I can never take her name without having a sense of belonging so I just call her Mrs M. I want her to be mine and I know she is but seeing her smiling and laughing with everyone here in the orphanage I knew that she will always be with me and I had to keep her.

It was lunchtime and everyone was going for their lunch. I had the whole day planned. We will have lunch with these children here and then we will go up the hill and I had a set us up a camp area. I don't know if she will like it or not but I am sure that she will be happy. I promise to keep her happy. Even if she doesn't like something she will get what she wants.

"Let's go have lunch. It's a party I am throwing for these children and I want you to know that it was for you as well. It was me showing you how much these children and you mean to me" I was hesitant but confident of these words because I have never been so verbal as I am with her.

She turned to me and her eyes met mine, a small smile playing on her lips and she was so beautiful.

"Stop distracting me Mrs M, you are so so beautiful and your smile is so addicting" I couldn't stop myself from placing a small kiss on her cheek.

"You are beautiful as well Mr M, but not as distracting as you used to be. Now, these cute kids have taken your place." She teased.

The little devil of mine will be my death. I ignored her statement for now, knowing well that she will be answerable for the teasing.

We entered the main hall where the children usually have their food. It was a little change from its usual self with the dining tables on the sides with the walls. One section was where there were snacks, one with soft drinks, juices and water, and one had different cuisines.

They usually get this party once every two months but I wanted Nandini to have fun and that won't be achieved if the children were nagging about why they don't want to eat the food and all. They always do this, but it is what they will get because this is about their health.

And Arjun's mom, Divya Ma'am has been very strict about their diet from the start.


When lunch was over and everyone was back for their studies it was time for us to go. "Mr M, we can just stay here for some more because I don't want to leave just yet." Nandini was such a child with them and now she was just acting like one.

She has been giving me hints that we should stay here for more since the beginning of the party. But now the children had to study and she had a surprise to look forward to.

"Nandini" I tried to say sternly but let's just say her name has some politeness that I can't say with authority. "It's time for your next date destination, you should look forward to it but if it's any consolidation we can visit here anytime you want."


I knew when we reached the cliff that this was the most beautiful destination I have been to in my whole life. The sun was setting, the sky all clear and reddish orange.

This was captivating and I just wanted to sit her on the edge of the cliff clinging to Manik. He was my world and I wouldn't have it any other way.

 He was my world and I wouldn't have it any other way

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The set-up was also so beautiful. We sat in silence for some time after which he broke the silence. "You know when I was small I used to run to the roof and I watched stars the whole night. The dim stars, those that were bright, constellations and everything. I loved them and then suddenly one day I lost that interest in them. That day I found out the most important truth of my life and I knew that it will never be the same for me"

His voice was wavering and I knew I had to keep him company, I squeezed his hand giving him the strength he needed to say it out loud whatever he kept in.

"My Father cheated on my mother, and they both till this date pretend it didn't happen. It's like it has just affected me only when it was 4 lives that were ruined. Dad was having issues with mom during the start of their relationship and he cheated with a girl from his college. They were not cautious and they had a child. They had a child and I was just 7 when I got to know about him, my parents knew told me about the details about him but I knew he existed and he was older than me. He was a year older than me." His voice broke and my heart broke for him.

"I know it's not an ideal conversation for our date but If I want to open up to you I can either do it now or I wouldn't make it." I hugged him tight.

"You didn't have any idea Manik what it feels when you share your things with me. It makes me happy, makes me feel important and helps me know you all the more." I couldn't just tell him how much I loved him. I couldn't just tell him how much I want to tell him everything. He needs my honesty but this was for him
I will tell him everything but I'll not bombard him with the truth.

"If we are sharing secrets, let me tell you something about mine. I had a sister, she was so beautiful, she was the best sister I could have asked for and you won't believe me if I told you that I was literally more sensible than her." I laughed as I imagined her. "She was the best daughter for my parents and then she was gone."

"Papa was always against modelling and glamorous career and di was taking up a modelling career behind his back. She was guilty and was constantly backing out from what she loved to do. But I told her to go get her life and live the life she wanted to. But I didn't know that that would be the biggest mistake of my life."


Ok, guys, this is it for the week.
Had a busy week and didn't have the time to edit any of this. If you find any mistakes do point them out because autocorrect is a bitch

Vridhi ❤️

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