Preference #1 How you meet

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Preference #1 How you meet


You were finishing your shift in Nando's and had one table left to serve the food to. You collected the food and took it to a table in the far corner, where sat were One Direction. They all smiled and thanked you,as you came back with the sauce's all of them were sniggering as Niall was blushing, you were about to leave when you heard an irish accent, "Er, would you like to go out somewhere sometime?" he asked shyly. You smiled and blushed. That was the begginning of your relationship.


You were going to a One Direction CD signing, their new album Take Me Home. You were nearly at the front and about to meet the boys you had dreamed about. You went up to the table, "Hey beautiful, what's your name" his wolverhampton accent said, you blushed smiling at him telling him your name and he wrote on your book. As you went throught the rest of the boys they all smirked at you, you didn't realise why until you looked at your book at the end and saw Liam's comment, 'call me sometime 07--------- :) x' You called him later that night and met up again.


You were grabbing a coffee from starbucks on your way home and being in a rush you accidently walked into someone spilling your coffee. You quickly apologized and looked up to see Louis Tomlinson. "It's ok love, i wasn't looking where i was going" he apologized. "Let me buy you another" he said. you nodded and he brought you another as you sat on a table waiting for him. "so beautiful, what's your name?"


You had just ben to the most amaxing concert ever! One Direction. You were waiting for the meet and greet and couldn't keep your eyes off Harry. He caught you looking one time and smirked, you quickly looked down blushing, as you met the boys Harry was quick to talk to you and asking for your number ;)


You were rushing down the street trying to get home as quick as possible to get out the cold. You rushed round a corner accidently bumping into someone causing both of you to fall to the ground. "OMG i am so sorry" you quickly apologized, "I wasn't looking where i was going, i'm so sor-" He cut you off by telling you it was okay. You looked up and saw the most gorgous brown eyes staring into mine. "I'm Zayn" he said offering his hand.


That was the first preference, i hope it's okay :) If you have any preference ideas write them in the comments and i will try do them :)

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Becky :) xx

Also please check out my other books :) xx thank you

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