New Pack?

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hii authors note.

sorry for not updating I've been extremely busy with school and other things.

I'm so glad people are at least reading this story I hope they like it I'm trying my best but enough of me and to the story


Stiles Pov.

I walk into the living room with Hope and Lizzie to see my ex-pack on one side of the room and my New pack on the other. I chuckle seeing this I never would have expected to be this happy with Peter, Theo and Jax but I am and I wouldn't change it for anything. "Hope, Liz, this is my Ex-pack."I point to the group siting across from us and all I hear is a growl so I look and see Liz and Jax growling their eyes glowing and they are changing I guess they don't really like the fact that my ex-pack is in the house. "Stop"Peter says in one of his aggravated voices but they don't stop and Peter gets up  "I said STOP" his eyes a bright red his face changed and they all bare there necks but I don't I know I didn't do anything so not my problem and if it was I shall ignore it until it goes away. "so yall gonna leave" i speak up with a smirk that I'm now known for. "Stiles.. please"That was the true alpha that time I mean he's so great then why is he begging? "Nah, I think im good."I shurg and put my arm around Peter who set next to me and Hope. "Stiles just listen to us goddamn it" derek says all serious I mean the man needs to get laid or have a sence of humor because thats boring. i yawn "I'm bored, yall are boring me and very few manage to do that cant yall get up and twirl at least for the sake of it?" I look up to see a new person and im interested I smell a lot of anger from him and a bit of pain and that would help my dark kitsune perfectly so I get up and turn my head starring. "and who are you?"(okay so Stiles is a were fox so he's part wolf and part kitsune. After void imma just say that void left some darkness and powers for when he turns because he knew one day he would and it made him like that so he will have some similarity to void but he isn't evil he is good and does everything to make up for the bad in his past whether it shows or not.) The boy looks up confused but stands up not sure but Scott and Derek growls witch made him walk to me I guess he's not a fan of them (derek helped scott kidnap liam not stiles ps.) wonder why "Im liam.." I smirk and walk over to him and grab his shoulder he drops to the ground and everyone trys to run to us but peter and the rest block them off they know what I'm doing. Liam looks up his eyes golden looking into my orange/gold ones my arm turning blackfrom the veins,and he bites his lip I'm guessing to keep in a sound of please I'm taking his pain but also some of his anger. most people I do it to says its awsome and they love the feeling. "How do you feel Liam?" I move my hand   and smiles as he gets up " I feel alot better thank you... can i ask what you just did?" " ii just took some of your pain but also some of your anger your extremely angry i though  i could help a bit you never did anything to me that i can think of so no reason for you to be in pain" i smile


sorry for it being short but that's all I could think of for tonight  its just a filler chapter.


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