chapter three all of us

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       I was there she was running after me. I stopped she pushed me down and punched me in the face one punch after another after another I was unstable.  She looked at me and ran I was laying on the cold hard concrete its 4:25am march 2nd, 2008. Then I wake up still unstable I start to wonder how my life got like this. "Like what" asked the man sitting beside me on the now rather warm concrete.

     I guess my life wasnt the worse there ate worse lives out there. At least I still have grandma nancy and myself. Then I got a cab and rode home and I thought to myself where is jamie? After all the looking and searching for the past 3 weeks. I walk into my moms old house now I like to call it mine I go upstairs I check all the rooms and bathrooms. I hear crying from short distance. I run back upstairs thinking It was jamie only to find a baby boy in the closet. I rushed him in his carseat the car and drive to the police department. 

        They said that he had no parents that they had died in a car accident more than three weeks ago. And that I would have to either adopt him or send him to child services. So I decide right there I had adopted a little boy so on the way home I stopped by the grocery store.  I didn't know what to buy.  So I went to the baby section and grabed some onsie's and a pack of three bottles. Then I bought 3 cans of formula and 7 gallons of purified water. Once I got home he was so fusy and I checked his diaper.  I had for got the diapers.  So I loaded him back up and bought a pack of 100 diapers.


the journey through us   By: Hailee WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now