Saturday, 23.04.2011

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Hey Lizzy!

It's my birthday today, remember? I'm 8 now, nearly an adult! The people in school didn't notice it was my birthday, but that's fine. Mommy and Daddy didn't notice either, because Mommy just lays in her bed all day and Daddy is at work, but that's okay. I don't want to celebrate without you anyways. Can't you come over today? We could bake muffins together or watch a movie, I'm okay with everything! I just want you to be around me again....
I drew something else for you! It's a drawing of Mommy, but I don't know if you will like it or not. It shows her laying in her bed. She got very skinny lately. Sometimes before school I sneak into her room to see her because I miss her, but she's always asleep. Maybe better that way. She still didn't talk to me or Daddy. She looks very tired and her eyes are... i don't know... empty? It's kinda scary... But still better than before I guess. I hope...
Nevermind! I got great news!!!!!!!
Daddy said I'm old enough to get to know where you are now. He tells me tomorrow. Hopefully it's not too far away, so I can visit you soon. I'm so excited. We will finally meet again :)
But... I'm a bit scared Lizzy. I didn't see you for more than a year. I'm so so scared... I hope you still love me, even tho I grew and got weirder. I'm not as social as I used to be, you know? I prefer being alone and don't really know if you can handle me that way. Please don't hate me... I got uglier too. The people in my class say that my long brown hair looks terrible and my eyes are ugly too, because brown eyes aren't as pretty as blue or green ones. I'm sorry Lizzy. I wish I was as beautiful as you. Do you still have purple hair? I loved your purple hair back then! I always wanted to be like you and I still do. Maybe you can show me how to be more like you when we meet eachother soon. Ahhhh so excited!

See you soon Lizzy :)


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