Tuesday, 23.04.2019

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Lizzy, I came out of the psychiatrie last week. I live with Connor, Mary and Joshua now. Joshua grew a lot. He's their little dear, their sunshine. There is no sunshine in my life anymore...
I stopped seeing you. The psychologist gave me strong antidepressants and antipsychotika. She said my shizophrenia is over and explained it to me. I'm okay now. I tried to die. I had around 12 attempts in my life and my arms look like a minefield, but it's fine.
Mary told me to do the household because she's too busy for it. She actually isn't. I noticed her cheating on Connor with a man. I heard them in the bedroom... It seems like his name is Gabriel. When Connor is around she always pretends Gabriel is just a dude from work, but I don't think she even has work to go to. Maybe better like that... I just hope Joshua doesn't notice all of that..

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