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It has been 70 years since i defeated yuuki and now i'm in my house lying around while reading manga, to be honest it's been a month since i step from my house, how about my work you ask? I made my [Parallel Existence] doing it, well diablo and the others occasionally visit me though so i don't bother getting put from my house, in other word, i've become a complete hikikomori!

But now i, the supreme deity! The lord of jura tempest federation! Is facing the biggest problem in my life, i have no more manga to read! 'ciel, please tell me there are something that i haven't read?' i asked my partner

<Nope, you have read all the manga master>

Ciel replied, 'gah!! I'm gonna go crazy if it continue like this!' moreover the current manga that read is end with a goddamn cliffhanger! 'now i understand why veldora is keep visiting another world..' veldora said that he and ramiris is travelling across the world because his source of entertainment in here has ran out, at first i kinda treat it like a excuse but now i fully understand

<Master, why don't we go travelling to another world too?>

Ciel suddenly voice out her suggestion, 'oh?! That's right!' if veldora can go travelling why i can't go? Moreover i'm just wasting my time lying around in my house, 'Hm..well then let's go to earth, it's been a while since i've been there and while at that i can get any new manga too' while i'm saying that, going to my old world is boring too there's nothing i can do there, at worst i will become hikikomori again, sigh..

<Fufufu, master i have an solution, why don't we go to different 'earth'? I think it will be interesting though>

' just want to go to the world that you haven't been there yet right?' i voiced my complain, i bet my entire manga that ciel have been boring too since she go as far as suggesting this to me, 'hmm, regardless of your intention that's a good idea ciel-chan' i compliment her anyways

<Right? I just want master to have fun!>

'you can praise me more' is something i heard but i ignore her, before we go i need to inform my subordinates first, i connect them all to my [Thought Communication] and told them that i'm going on a trip, but unsurprisingly they insist me to at least bring one of the 12 patrons with me, naturally the one that most eager to follow me is of course my two problem children shion and diablo, but you know what? I reject both of them and bring ranga with me, why? Because unlike those two, ranga have comfortable fur..yep that's all

"I will do my best to protect you! My master!" Ranga who jump out from my shadow said while wagging his tail, "owh! Ranga you are so cute!" The cuteness is too much for me to resist and as a result for that i've been cuddling ranga for hour, now that i'm fully recharge it's time to depart to another world!

<Let's go!!>

Em..ciel-chan? Aren't you a bit excited? Hey, where are your calm teacher vibe?! Ah whatever, as long as she happy, and just right that we dissapear from cardinal world, on our way there ciel suddenly warn me

<Master, apparently the world that we heading to is too weak, the moment you step on that world, that world will crumble>

Yeah, i forgot that my aura has been evolving daily for 70 years is so freaking strong, no wonder that i have not met any single stray god in this void, 'so..what's your suggestion?' i asked ciel i need to explain? It's ciel after all

<Why don't we transfer master sould to the human body that i made and store your original in [Imaginary Space] ?>

Human body huh...ain't that nice? 'i leave to you ciel!' yep, even though there's too many inconvenience while reside in human body i still can tolerate it

<I already prepare the body, as soon as master arrive at that world master will become human>

Yep, i got to see my son again, how many years has it been? This time for sure, no girls will escape from me! Hahahaha!!

After a few hours immerse in my daydream i finally arrived at alternate earth, the first thing i do is look around to confirm where i'm exactly but it seems i'm in some dark alley with a building surrounding me, this place look like a place where the high school delinquent smoking, alright that's enough for now

It's time to check my new human body! Kukukuku~ my dream will finally come true! With me and my...son?! Why? Why there's nothing here! Wait...there's a crack? Ciel you son of a gun!!

<Do you think i will let master turn into a man? No! Instead i turn master into a 12 year old girl! Hmph! Master is mine alone!>

Goddamn It ciel! Not only i don't have my son but instead i turn into a girl! A 12 year old girl at that! 'ciel..why are so cruel' that's right, ciel is so merciless when it comes to my gender, well except for my reproducing organ my feature with blue hair and golden eyes is still the same, but a 12 year old version..

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