Boss Monster

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After around 30 minutes, i finally got my body back, it's already midnight but i and milim is still wide awake in our room, ciel for some reason has going back inside me as she said that she miss her place

"So...milim, do you restraint your aura before coming here?"

"Of course-noda!"

Yeah, but it still not enough, i need to limit milim strength like mine since she is too dangerous, i immediately asked her permission to put on a limit, she surprisingly just agree easily

"Sure! As long as i'm with you, everything is okay-noda!"

"Milim..sigh, what are you gonna do without me.." i mutter

I then put my hand on her head and ordered ciel to immediately do it, after a while, it finally succeed

[Name: Milim Nava]
Level: 1
Title: N/A
Age: 12
Race: Human
Ability: Godly Strength (Rank: ???)
Blessing: N/A
STR: 9999+(GS 9999)
SPD: 9999+(GS 222)
INT: 666
MP: 9999
SP: 9999
[Points: 1200]

Uwaa...since she is using her real body and just her put on a limiter her strength and speed is far surpassed me, damn it i wish i could use my real body as well!!

<Make out with me and i consider it>

...well anyway, since ciel has gave her some points, i teach her how to use it in shop, she surprisingly excited as this method is similar to our RPG game in labyrinth

<Don't ignore me!>

I look at milim who is excitingly browse to the shop as i unconciously patted her head, milim just ignore it while smile 'ehehehe~' at me

"So what skill did you buy rimuru?"

".....let's not talk about it"

Milim just nodded and continue to browse the shop, since i got my points back, i too tried to browse the shop, but i suddenly got a notification

[You have receive Ring Of Wicked Kings]

The hell is that? Well, i check that later, for now i'm going to buy a new skill, after sometime browsing i decided to buy a few related sword attack

"Are you done milim?"


After that we both decided to sleep for tonight and began to test our new skill tommorow


Early in the morning, jessica and shizue is heading toward the main gate of the city

"Are you sure we have enough man powers? I still think we need more as precaution, we are going to challenge the boss after all" shizue said worriedly

"You worry to much shizue, all that happen to be here is a veteran hunters from our guilds, moreover there are some more that coming" jessica said confidently

"Well, you are right i guess" shizue responded reluctantly

After a while, hyun-woo and his guild members also arrived, since jessica got acquaintance with hyun-woo naturally she will invite him as well


"Woah! It's quite a lot of peoples here!" Said milim excitedly

"Well, we are going to hunt down the boss after all" milim being here sometimes heal my soul with her cuteness, it not a bad thing after all

<Funny how we are going to hunt the boss while taking care of her> ciel being sarcastic, as she holding nadea with sour face

"Like i said, just throw her somewhere, you are the one who insist to keep her" up until now i don't understand why ciel want to keep nadea so badly

<I need her as a experimental tool to the gem that you receive from luna>

"How about keep her in inventory-noda!!" Milim said while giving her brilliant idea

"...she gonna die" i said rejecting her idea

After chatting for a while, the hunters that around 300 peoples began to start moving, we three naturally follow them, the leader for this subjugation force is hyun-woo, shizue and jessica, and that make me wonders

Does any other big guilds has make their move before us? If so then they definitely know something, moreover the boss monsters is not only one, there are many spread out across this floor, and if you managed to defeat one, you can advance to the next floor

After 2 hours of walking we finally arrived, the boss monsters that we gonna subjugate today is called, [Snow Wolf], including the packs, this boss monster may reach S-rank threat

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