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We all have things we carry to protect us
from harsh words and judging looks

Amulets and sacraments to strengthen us in our stride
To lift our chins and make us walk with pride

My armor is not one of metal

My armor is my workout tights
that show my determination to be strong

It's the pencil I put in my hair sometimes
because damn you if you want to judge me because that's not the usual place to keep writing utensils

It's the hoodies and shirts with prints you don't get
because those series gave me friends when you weren't there for me

It's the books I carry with me
because then I always have a world to hide in, friends to visit and places to explore

It's the headphones I wear
because it's so much easier to dance when you have music

My armor is me
I make my strength
And damn if that isn't a lot of strength

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