He found out ...

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Since I'm on vacation I'm trying to get out more so I don't quite know when I'm gonna post . Wish me luck :) and sorry for any spelling mistakes !

Tommy POV : ok I need one of the gods to help me control the last power shapeshifting I mean I tried it so many times and I just don't seem to get it right . Maybe I can ask Drista I mean she is some kind of god. Or is she ?
Eh who cares right I don't so fuck it. Im gonna ask her.

Drista POV : ok tommy wanted something from me. Gotta find him now.

1 hour later

Tommy POV : ,,ah finally found you Drista.can I ask you something ? „

Drista POV : „sure what is it big man?"

Tommy : „are you some kind of god ?"

Drista: „im a Demi-god if that counts. Why are you asking tho?"

Tommy : so I basically got god powers from XD and I needed your help because I don't know how to use one of my *new* powers

Drista : „wait- what ? Ok before I ask stupid questions what power do you need help with ?

Tommy: „shapeshifting"

Drista : „ah ok got it you just need to think of a person or a mob and then it should work you just need to practice a little bit"

Tommy: „ok thanks i should get going now , before you start asking questions atleast."

*he started training , after a few minutes he finally got it . Here's how it went :*

Tommy POV : ok I finally got it now the only problem is that I look like tubbo. Oh fuck ,fuck,fuck,fuck i see tubbo coming fuck fuck .

Tubbo POV: ok I replaced the door so that ranboo won't hit his head anymore . The fuck why is there a second me???? „HEY YOU ? YEAH YOU ! WHY ARE YOU ME !? "

Tommy POV: ok now the question do I tell him or ? Yeah fuck it I'm telling him. ,, hey tubbo . I'm tommy and I kind of have god powers ,by the way I'm trying to learn how to shape shift so I just tried and now I'm Tubbo ."

Tubbo : „ok I'm not even gonna try to ask dumb questions , so ok we are now going to try to get you back to being tommy. How about we get something to eat first ?

Tommy: „yeah sure bee boy wait yay I am now back to being tommy ok now we get something to eat .

This is the end of part 2 :) I hope this one is better than the first one and feel free to comment and I also take suggestions :) current words (with this small text) : 442

God Tommyinnit auWhere stories live. Discover now