The beginning .... Or the end ?

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Before I start I am so sorry that j didn't post in such a long time but I lost motivation and it's hard to write during school 😂 but I am now writing this bc I got sick and I have nothing better to do so let's begin

Tom: "you think Wilbur will be nice to me after I ditched him?"

Bee boi:" nooooo... but he still is your brother,do you want to tell him that you are a god or ? "

Tom: " ehmm about that we have one Demi god in the family which ducking sucks big man because I read about the Demi blood god and it seems like he gets angry at any kind of god,and the problem with that is ITS FUCKING TECHNIBLADE I don't stand a chance of surviving if He finds out."

Bee: " yeah that sounds about right boss man, but isn't philza some kind of god ?"

Tom: " nope he is just a hybrid just like Wilbur"

Bee: " oh wait ranboo is calling"

Ranboo: " Hey tubs ehmm we have a slight problem with the house, it's kind of on fire"

Bee: " ok I am never letting you babysit Michael again, I have to go big man"

Tom: " ok bye!"

Tom pov : ok now I am completely fucked, how do I face Wilbur?

After thinking a bit

Tom pov: ok now just gotta find him ,
Wait can't I just teleport ? Yes yes I can how about I just say hey Wilbur I now have god powers and I saw the goddes of death who is kind of your mother,ok I need to work on that but it should do the job for now .

Wil pov : where is he he said he wanted to met me here, ahh there he is

Tom :Hey will,Wilbur my best friend have i ever told you that your glasses look cool?

Wil: ok what do you want gremlin ?

Tom: just wanted to tell you ....

Wil: what did you want to tell me?

Tom: well I kind of met dreamXD and he gave me powers and-

Wil: wait- HE GABE YOU WHAT ?!!!

Tom: and I am now some sort of god , oh I also met lady death (Kristen/goddess of death)

He paused for a second it looked like wilbur was trying to process what the hell just happend .
*After a few minutes of silence*

Wil: ok you came here to tell me that you are a god AND met my mother which I haven't seen in a very long time and you think I will just ignore that ????

Tom: yeah kind of so if you would excuse me the ladies are calling I need to go bye!

Wil was in a state of pure shock, he went to niki's bakery and drank an iced latte and spoke with her about the things that just happend.

Tom pov: ok I think I need something to do so that I can forget what just happend.I know how about we go and visit ranboob I mean he does calm me down.

Tubbo: I think the doorbell rang can you go and have a look boo ?

Ranboo: Yeah sure.

A second later

Tubbo: who was it boo ?

Boo: Tommy ...

(Tommy doesn't visit often because snowchesyer reminds him of the time jack and niki tried to kill him with Tubbo's nuke)
*in my AU he forgave them and they confessed that they tried to kill him but he now has trauma because of that*

Tubbo: Hey toms, weird seing you today .

Tom: yeah I'm just gonna steal ranboob and go again bye bitch boy.

Boo: Don't call me that Tommy I told you that- wait why do you need me ?


*mood changes much ?*

Tommy: bye now.

He dragged ranboo outside and to his house.They say in his bunker (he build one to hide if dream breaks out of prison)

Boo:what did you need anyway ?

Tom:Can we just lay here and cuddle ?


(They are laying on grass because Tommy has grass in his bunker and alluminiuns so that he can calm himself if dream breaks out)

Boo: Yeah sure toms if that helps you .

Meanwhile with Wilbur and niki:

Wil: and then he said "I met lady death"

Niki: isn't that your mother?


Niki: do you know what kind of god he is ?

Wil: nope I didn't ask I was to shocked considering the fact that that little gremlin just straight up told me he was some kind of god.

Niki: ehm ok, want another cookie?

Wil: yes please

Niki:here you go.

She handed him a little bag full of small home made cookies

Wil: thanks.

Back to the allium duo

At this point ranboo has fallen asleep and Tommy is just staring holes in the ceiling. he picked an allium/alluminium (I'm not sure please correct me in the comments) that was growing peacefully on the grass he had playsed there as a floor

Tom: I like alliums they are so peaceful,I mean they just sit in the dirt there whole life until some random person just feels like killing them and in the end, throwing them back into the dirt .

He starts thinking of the time when it was all still so nice,beautiful,peaceful... he wonders what happend,what he did wrong ,what he did to deserve all the pain,the trauma , yet he just wants to lay in the Flower field he had build himself to feel comfortable in his home... At this point he just wants to lay there and hopefully die right by the side of ranboo who is still holding his hand as someone's life were in danger,he feels comforted by the tall black and white endermen hybrid by his side

*you wanna know why he wants to die by the side of his friend ? Or why he feels confronted by the flowers ? Why this chapter didn't make much sense ?(to me at least lol) you will have to find out in the next chapter


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