Author's Note

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Most recent update: Saturday, March 30.

Hi everyone! I'm going back through this book and will launch a new path for Avery, Liam, Parker, and Cage. All my chapters will be unpublished and republished, hopefully on a path that makes me feel more connected to my characters. Beginning chapters may change only slightly, while more recent chapters may be overhauled. Thank you for being so patient with me.

Here's to hoping I can find my way back to the story that has captured my soul.


Hey everyone!

This is Book Two of the "Malibu" Series. Please, please, PLEASE go back and read Book One, "All the Little Secrets" so you know what is going on! Believe me, you will want to! <3

My goal for this series is to one day make it into a television show. I hope you fall in love with these characters as I have! This book is a WORK IN PROGRESS, needing EDITING, and knowing me, I may change things up a bit as the book goes on. Thank you for being patient and enjoying it! I'd love to see some comments on what you love, lines that stand out to you, and all that jazz!

At the end of each chapter, please, please, please vote. Voting helps authors get their content seen by members of the Wattpad Community. When you vote for each chapter, it supports ranking an author's story on the hotlist. Thank you for your support, and welcome to Book Two of the lavish world of the rich and famous in Malibu.


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