Break Through

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I woke up and carried her back to her bed the next morning which was the usual.One of us would wake up and go back to our separate room or the other would wake us up and remind us to go back to our room before someone saw.She woke up when I put her in bed and gave a sleepy hum before going back to sleep.

I heard her cough a little but figured it was nothing.I crawled back in bed and started coughing too but didn't pay it any mind.I was almost asleep when I heard Steve come in my room.He looked pale and sickly so I knew something was up.

"Hey James so we have a small problem.It seems all of us caught the flu while on the mission and you might have it too.Have the symptoms kicked in yet or no?Either way just stay quarantined in your room for the next week or two."I looked at him with a sleepy glossed over expression then spoke."Are you kidding me Steven we caught the flu?So far I just feel extra tired and have a small cough.I'll stay in here for the next few weeks just know that I blame you for dragging me along on the mission.I told you I wanted to stay but you made me go.I didn't want to go outside and get sick but you wouldn't listen and now look where that got us.I'm gonna pay you back big time for this when I feel better."He said nothing else and just left the room.

I silently walked over to Brittany's room to tell her the bad news.She was still asleep so I gently nudged her awake. "Hey doll so I just found out that we all caught the flu during the mission and have to be quarantined to our room for 1-2 weeks till the bug passes.I might have given it to you last night when I cuddled you without knowing it so I apologize for that.I told the others I didn't want to go so I didn't get sick but they didn't listen and now we're all stuck with the flu."

She sat up then said "It's alright it's not your fault. They should learn to listen instead of always talking.If they had,then you and me wouldn't be sick with the flu right now.They should be more like you and learn a balance between listening and talking."She laid back down and played with my hair a bit before going back to sleep.I rubbed her back a bit then went back to my room without detection.

I went back to sleep for a few more hours then I got hit with the full impact of the flu once I woke up.I felt achy and sore all over and my head felt like it was hit with a jackhammer.My throat was so sore I could barely speak and if I did it was in a raspy cracked voice.My coughing had gotten worse and it made my chest hurt. My nose was blocked and runny and I was freezing and visibly shaking.It hurt to move because I was in unimaginable pain from head to toe.I let out a groan of pain then started feeling lightheaded and dizzy.

I moaned as I walked over to the bathroom to blow my nose.I heard something get dropped off at my door so I slowly shuffled over to it and opened the door.There was a basket full of items and a card attached to it that said this was a "sick basket" with all the items I would need to feel better.I mumbled a small thanks then shuffled back to bed.I couldn't get comfortable in bed because of the pain in my body so I settled for a warm bubble bath to relax my achy muscles.I felt better afterwards and tried to nap to feel better.

I couldn't sleep so I took the elevator down to the kitchen to make some soup.I grabbed some crackers and Gatorade too while I was at it and put it on a tray.I made some for Brittany too and took it up to her room.I hopped in bed and tried to eat but I had no appetite but forced myself to eat anyway.She collected her tray and said a small thanks before closing her door.

My phone went off next to me so I answered it and heard her voice.She sounded just as bad as I did if not worse.We thanked each other for the soup and basket then hung up and pulled out our tablets so we could Skype and watch movies together.She was still invisible but turned the camera around so I could see her tv which had Casablanca playing on it.It was our shared favorite 40's movie to watch together. We watched in silence aside from coughing and sneezing or an occasional moan and groan of pain.There was also a lot of nose blowing and bathroom breaks throughout the movie.We ended the Skype and fell asleep after the movie.

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