Chapter 1 - The Mysterious new kid

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     In a room painted a light pink, a girl with long brown hair lays in bed sleeping until the door is opened and someone enters and turns on the lights and says: "It's time to get up Sarah. You have school today." The girl groans before sitting up and opening her eyes, revealing her hazel irises, and says back: "I'm up mom, I'm up. Give me a few minutes and I'll be ready." Sarah's mom nods and walks out, closing the door behind her. Sarah yawns and stretches before pulling the covers off of her and standing up and walks over to her closet and gets out some clothes and sets them on her bed before leaving the room and going to the bathroom and showering and brushing her teeth. Once she finishes showering she wraps a towel around her body before going to her room and drying off. After drying off she goes to her dresser and gets some underwear and socks and puts on her underwear and goes over to her bed and puts on a green t-shirt with black sleeves and a pair of jeans and puts on the socks. She stands up and leaves her room and heads to the bathroom and brushes her hair before heading to the kitchen. When she gets there she sees her mom setting the table and her dad cooking breakfast. She says: "Morning mom, morning dad." This makes both parents look at her and Sarah's mom smiles and says back: "Morning dear, did you sleep well?" Sarah responds to her question: "Somewhat, I'm still a bit off from what happened on Friday." Her dad nods and comments: "that's understandable, I mean seeing someone shoot flames out of their hand and melting those automatons does sound weird, not to mention seeing a woman about to abuse her children can be unnerving. Trust me, I'm still having trouble understanding how someone has that power in the first place without hurting themselves. I just hope he understands what he's getting himself into going against Emil Albert." His comment makes the atmosphere tense for a few minutes until Sarah's mom says: "Come on now, no need to worry about things we have no control over, so let's just eat before you're late, I know to get our minds off it why don't we go out to eat tonight at Michael's?" Sarah nods and sits at the table while her dad serves breakfast and sits down and they all enjoy it together. Once they finish eating Sarah heads to her room and grabs her backpack before heading to the front door and puts on her tennis shoes before looking at her parents and says: "I'm off to school." Sarah's dad says: "Alright, have a good day and be careful." Sarah says back: "I will. Bye." With that Sarah walks out the front door closing it behind her and is about to start heading towards the stairwell when she sees someone closing the door of the apartment next to her parents. She looks at him and sees he has medium-length black hair and green eyes and is wearing a red t-shirt with an orange helix pattern around the edges and black sweatpants with green lines on the side but the most notable thing about him is his right arm is covered in bandages. She thinks to herself: Didn't the guy from Friday also have his right arm bandaged up, are they the same person? No, that guy had red hair and eyes. As she was thinking he puts on a jacket and gloves. She's snapped out of her thoughts when the guy asks: "Can I help you?" Sarah shakes her head and notices the red jacket and black gloves and says: "Sorry I was just thinking to myself about something." The guy nods his head and starts walking to the stairwell when Sarah says something to him making him stop: "I haven't seen you before. Are you new here?" The guy nods before saying: "Yeah, I moved in a couple of days ago." Sarah smiles and says without noticing his backpack this entire time: "Cool, Well it was nice meeting you but I have to get going or I'll be late to school, so bye." She walks past him to the stairwell and starts heading down the flights of stairs. When she reaches the bottom and starts walking forward she sees the guy in front of him and thinks to herself How did he get down here before me? It shouldn't be possible. She shakes her head pushing the thought aside and continues walking unintentionally following him as they head to the same place without her noticing.

     As they reach the school the girl sees her friends and walks up to them and says: "Hey Faith, Evelyn how are you guys?" Evelyn responds: "Good, still a little shocked about what happened on Friday, but good overall." Faith nods and simply says: "Same here." Evelyn asks: "How are you doing?" Sarah responds: "Pretty good. Oh, I did run into someone when I was leaving the apartment." Faith asks: "Really, what were they like?" Sarah thinks a bit before describing her new neighbor: "I say he's about six feet with medium-length black hair and green eyes." Faith shakes her head while Evelyn smirks and says: "You've must've been paying real close attention to notice his eyes." Sarah blushes a bit before saying: "No, I just wanted to get a look since we'll be seeing each other because we're neighbors." When she finishes her sentence the memory of his right arm being bandaged flashes through her mind and she loses her blush and grows a serious look on her face.catching her friend's attention causing Faith to ask: "What's up Sarah?" Sarah looks at her friends and says: "When I was looking at him I noticed something about his right arm." Evelyn and Faith look at each other before looking at Sarah and Evelyn asks: "What about his right arm?" Sarah looks around before leaning closer to them and saying: "His entire right arm is bandaged just like the guy we saw on Friday." "Do you think he could be the same person?" Sarah sighs and shakes her head and says: "I don't know. It's possible he dyed his hair and is wearing contacts but I don't know. If we want to find out we need to see him with those two kids to be sure." Faith and Evelyn sigh and nod their heads in agreement. The bell rings scaring the girls a bit before they calm down and start heading to class. With the guy as he enters the school and makes his way to the principal's office to meet them. When he arrives he knocks on the door and waits a bit before hearing a muffled 'Come in.' He enters the room and looks at the person sitting on the side of the desk and sees a woman with long blonde hair, purple eyes, and has a cross necklace, wearing a shirt with a tie and a brown blazer with a skirt to match. She lifts her head and sees him standing there and smiles before standing up and sticks her hand out, saying: "Hello you must be Incinerator Ziger, It's a pleasure to meet you." Cin nods and shakes her hand and says: "Call me Cin, Incinerator's a mouthful to say." The principal nods and says while sitting down with Cin following suit: "Very well, Mr.Ziger, before we begin I want to say welcome to our school, my name is Elizabeth Hall." Cin states: "Thank you, Ms.Hall." Ms.Hall nods and says while grabbing a paper from her desk: "You're welcome, Now then, you're here for your schedule as well as a tour of the school." She stands and motions Cin to follow her which he responds to by nodding and standing following her. As they were walking Ms.Hall points out places like the cafeteria, bathrooms and explains that each section has an assigned subject. When they reach a certain hallway they go down it and Ms.Hall says: "Our school is different from others because of how we have our classes set up. You see, we adapted to the Japanese system a bit," Cin simply nods and Ms.Hall continues: "We begin the day with homeroom and instead of doing what the other schools do and have the kids separate, we have the students stay together. We still have the students move to different classes like the other schools." Cin stays quiet as they walk up to a door and stop. Ms.Hall turns to face him and says: "This will be your class, stay out here and wait for me to call you." Cin nods and crosses his arms and leans against the wall while she goes into the classroom. With Sarah, as she's sitting in class when The principal enters the room Everyone looks at her and the teacher asks: "Ms.Hall what are you doing here." She smiles and faces the class and says: "We have a new student and he'll be in your class. Come on in." As she finishes talking the door opens and in walks the guy from this morning. He walks up to Ms.Hall and she turns her head to him and says: "Go ahead and introduce yourself." The guy nods and walks up to the board and grabs a marker and writes a weird name and says: "My name is Incinerator Ziger, just call me Cin. Nice to meet you all." Ms.Hall sighs and looks at the class and asks: "Does anyone have any questions for him?" Sarah thought that this was her chance to find out how he got ahead of her and raises her hand quickly catching everyone by surprise. Before Ms.Hall can say anything Cin comments: "You want to know how I got ahead of you don't you." Ms.Hall gives him a questioning gaze while Sarah nods her head and simply says: "Yes." Cin sighs and explains: "When you went to the stairwell I decided it would be too much of a hassle to walk it and jumped over the railing." Sarah's eyes widen and she shoots up and slams her hands on her desk and says: "That's impossible, we live on the fifth floor, your legs should be broken, yet you were walking as nothing happened!" Cin states: "It'll take a lot more than that to hurt me, let alone break my bones." This confuses everyone, making them wonder if he was telling the truth. Ms.Hall shakes her head and says: "I think that's enough questions, Cin you can take the seat next to Ms.Bennet, The girl who is currently standing up." Cin nods and walks to the empty seat and sits down, while Sarah just stands there in shock. She's brought back to reality when Cin taps her and she sits down. When she's seated Ms.Hall nods and looks at the teacher and says: "Sorry for taking up your time. Since everything has been dealt with, I'll be leaving." With that, she walks out of the classroom and heads to her office.

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