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     At the border of a city, a man wearing a cloak walks up to and stops before entering. The man looks at the city while the wind blows and says: "Just three more cities and I'll finally be able to end all the pain he's causing."  He crosses the border into the city, after talking to himself, to find a place to stay and work. As he was walking he saw a sign in the window of a restaurant the says 'Cook wanted'. After thinking about it for a bit he heads into the restaurant named Michael's to talk to the manager. After walking in The hostess sees him and says: "Hello and welcome to Michael's, how many in your party?" The man says: "I'm actually here about the sign in the window." The hostess says: "Oh, let me get the manager for you." The man nods and the hostess heads to the back. When she reaches a room she knocks on the door and says: "Mr.Michael there's someone here about the open position." The man known as Michael opens the door and says: "Let's go see him." Michael follows the hostess and when they arrive he sees a man wearing a cloak with a duffle bag. He raises his eyebrow and looks at the hostess and asks: "Is this the person?" The hostess nods his head and he sighs and looks at the man and asks: "How old are you?" The man simply responds: "18." He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose and says: "Sorry, but we're looking for people with experience, not random people off the street." The man was about to say something when one of the customers shouts: "What do you mean you won't take it back!" Michael sighs and walks over to the customer and asks: "What seems to be the problem, Sir?" The customer responds: "My steak is raw, and he refuses to take it back." The waiter says: "Sir the cook said it was cooked how you wanted it." The customer says: "I asked for medium-rare, not raw!" Michael was about to say when the man walks up and cuts a piece and takes a bite and says after he finishes chewing and swallowing: "He's right, the inside is a little raw. The cook didn't let it rest properly before serving it." Michael looks at the man and asks: "How do you know that?" The man responds: "I've worked in restaurants before as a busboy and was taught to cook and tell if something is undercooked or not and about two years ago I started cooking officially in restaurants during my travels." Michael was quiet for a bit before saying: "Alright if you make this customer's order and serve it to him and he likes it you can consider yourself hired." The man nods and takes off his cloak allowing people to see him and they were surprised to see someone who looks young yet experienced and hands the cloak to Michael who holds it before he grabs the customer's plate and goes to the kitchen. As the man was walking away Michael notices that the Man has bandages around his right arm but decides to leave it alone for now. After half an hour the man returns with a new plate and places it in front of the customer and bows a bit before saying: "Enjoy your meal sir." The customer raises an eyebrow and cuts a piece of his steak and takes a bite before his eyes widen and looks at the man and says: "It's perfect." The man smiles and says back: "Thank you, Sir." Michael looks at the man in surprise and asks: "How did you do that?" The man says: "It's simple, when you cook a steak you let it rest the same amount of time it was cooked for." Michael's eyes widen because only experienced cooks know that technique. Michael chuckles and says while handing the man his cloak back: "It seems like we have a new cook. Follow me and we'll get the paperwork done." The man grabs the cloak and puts it on leaving the hood down and nods. Michael smiles and walks to the back with the man following behind him. When they reach a room Micheal opens the door and they walk in and Michael takes a seat behind the desk while the man takes a seat in front of the desk. Michael leans back and says: "Before we begin, What's your name?" The man looks him in the eyes and says: " My name is Incinerator Ziger, but I prefer to be called Cin." Michael gives him a confused look and asks: "Is that your real name?" Cin sighs and explains: "It's not the name I was born with, but a situation has come up that forced me to abandon it and come up with a new name." Michael questions: "Couldn't you come up with a more normal name?" Cin just looks at him for a minute before Michael sighs and says: "Alright let's get the paperwork done." Cin nods and as they fill out the paperwork Cin says: "I forgot to mention that I'll only be here for a month." Michael stops what he's doing and looks at Cin and asks: "Why only a month?" Cin says blankly: "I have a mission to do and I can't stay in one place for too long or he'll destroy it." Michael gives a questioning look and asks: "Who's this 'He'?" Cin looks Michael in the eye and says: "Someone who will destroy anything to get what he wants." Michael sighs due to the vague answer and decides to leave it. After finishing the two walk to the front of the restaurant and Michael says: "You can start on Monday after school." Cin nods and they say goodbye and Cin puts his hood on and heads to his next destination, the library.

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