Chapter 2 - The Mystery of Cin Uncovered

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     In Cin's room, he and the kids are sleeping peacefully when an alarm goes off on his phone waking them up. The kids groan as they get up while Cin remains silent and just stands and stretches. They head to the bathroom and start getting ready for the day, meanwhile, Sarah is still sleeping in bed when her door opens and mom walks in and says: "Time to get up." Sarah groans and sits up and says: "I'm up, I'm up." her mom chuckles and states: "Get ready, breakfast will be done soon." Sarah nods and gets up and gets ready for school. While she's heading to the bathroom she thinks to herself: do the kids go to school? If they do, how do they get there? I'll ask him when I see him. While she's getting ready Cin's in the kitchen making breakfast for him and the kids while the kids are sitting and reading their books. He finishes cooking and turns his head in their direction and says: "Breakfast is ready." The kids close their books, stand up, go to the counter, grab their plates, and go back to their spots while Cin puts the last helping on a paper plate for himself before joining them and eating together. They finish eating before throwing the paper plates and plasticware away and Cin grabs his backpack and says: "Alright you two, I'm going to school. You guys know the rules, and have a good day at school today." The kids run to him and hug him before looking up at him and smiling and simultaneously say: "Bye Papa, have a good day at school." Cin smiles and rubs their heads before they let go, and he leaves the apartment. Outside the apartment, Sarah sees Cin and says: "Morning Cin." Cin looks at her and says: "Good morning Ms.Bennet, Did you sleep well?" she rubs the back of her neck and states: "I had a bit of trouble getting to sleep, but other than that I did." Cin nods and walks over to the railing and grabs it. As he was about to jump over it she asks one of the questions that came to her earlier: "Do those kids go to school?" Cin looks at her and responds: "Yes, they go to an elementary school not far from here." She nods her head before inquiring: "How do they get there? Do they walk by themselves or something?" he sighs and lets go of the railing before leaning on it and replies: "I walk them to school to make sure they're safe." She gives him a confused look which makes him sighs and he explains: "I create a clone that watches over them until it's time for them to leave and he walks them to school. When they enter the building he dissipates." He does a demonstration as he explains it so she has a visual of what happens. She watches in amazement before exclaiming: "That's so cool!" Her reaction makes him chuckle which catches her attention seeing as he's never done it before. Her attention goes back to the embers that remain of the clone and she questions: "What else can you do?" He stays quiet as he sticks his hand out and a ball of fire appears before it forms into a rose that blooms. She reaches out to touch it, but it falls apart and the parts change to different flowers with different colors before disappearing completely. The show leaves her speechless for a few moments until she realizes they have school, she grabs her phone and looks at the time, and says: "We have to hurry or we'll be late for school." He gets off the railing and grabs it again which catches her attention and before she can ask him what he's doing he jumps over the railing terrifying her. She runs to the railing and looks and over it to see he's about to hit the ground and closes her eyes waiting to hear him scream but it never comes. She opens her eyes and sees he's not hurt which shocks her completely. She's snapped out of it when Cin says: "If you don't hurry you'll be late." She starts freaking out when she gets a crazy idea. She looks over the railing and asks: "Do you think you can get back up here and take me down with you?" he sighs and crouches before saying: "Step back a bit." She nods and backs away and the next thing she knows he's grabbing the railing and pulling himself over it. He walks over to her and picks up, making her blush, and walks back over to the railing and says: "Hang on tight." She nods and wraps her arms around his neck and as best as she could without hurting him. Using the arm that's holding her upper body, he grabs the railing and vaults over it one last time. As they falling, she's looking over his shoulder and sees they are getting closer to the ground and wonders: how is he going to land safely when he's holding me? She's snapped out of her thoughts when two things sprout from his back shocking her. She looks back at the ground and notices they are falling slower than they were. She looks back at the things that sprout from his back and her eyes widen at what they are. She thinks to herself: He grew wings?!?! How is that possible?! She's brought back to reality when he says: "We're on the ground now." She looks around and notices they are and he lets her down and she says: "Thanks for doing that." Cin nods and says back: "No problem, now let's get going we don't want to be late." She nods and simply says: "Right." They start making their way to school and Sarah asks: "How are you able to do... whatever it is you can do?" He responds without looking at her: "I'd rather not talk about it. It's a sensitive subject for me." She looks down and says: "Sorry, I didn't know." Cin pats her head, which makes her blush, and says: "Don't worry about it. You shouldn't know anyway. It'll only put you in danger." This makes her think: What happened to put him in this position? Does it have to do with what the automatons tried calling him? She looks at him and asks: "Hey Cin, will you tell what name the automatons were trying to call you?" He glances at her before looking forward and saying: "Don't try to pry into my private life. The more you know about me, the more of a target you are." This scares her and she nods while trying to keep her cool. Cin notices this and states: "I'm not trying to be mean, I just want to keep people safe. That's why I go from city to city. That's why at the end of the month I'm leaving." hearing this shakes Sarah, she doesn't know why but she doesn't want him to leave. She thinks for a minute then says: "If that's the case Guess I'll just have to make this the best month you've ever had." He chuckles and says: "I look forward to it." She smiles and they continue walking to school.

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